Beer Lovers of the World Unite
Fellow Glorious Nations
If you care about your beer, then support our UN proposal! UN members see: Hop protectorate - under list of proposals.
Important issues require your support. Protect the Hop, protect quality ale!!
Bahgum Ambassador
22-12-2003, 16:25
Hop Protectorates for Ales
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.
Category: Environmental Industry
Affected: Woodchipping
Proposed by: Bahgum
Description: The Glorious Nation of Bahgum submits that by placing the magnificent Hop under UN protection ALL nations and their people will benefit. Hops are a vital ingredient of the finest ales, and their importance to mankind has long been ignored, this proposal aims to set this sorry state of affairs to rights.
It is proposed that:
All nations with a native growth of Hops should strive to set aside 25% of these areas as National Scientific Reserves.
All nations without Hops should desire to establish said plant.
An annual UN festival of the Hop, fuelled by beers flavoured by the protected Hops should be announced immediately.
Forget all else- THIS is what the people of the world want!!!
Sir Albert Threllfall - Bahgum Ambassador to the UN
Approvals: 4 (Smytheland, 1 Infinite Loop, The Nanite Union, Kristinuria)
Status: Lacking Support (requires 132 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Wed Dec 24 2003
Beer is good... but I never got that proposal in my "inbox". :?:
I should have thouhgt of posting this imprtant proposal here too! Thanks for doing the buisiness!
I should have thouhgt of posting this imprtant proposal here too! Thanks for doing the buisiness!