NationStates Jolt Archive

Proposal: International Space and Aeronautics Command

21-12-2003, 05:55
Good evening, I am Alexander Reign, Commander in Chief of the Confederated Republic of Tulrania, otherwise known as the Confederacy of Tulrania. Tonight I wish to share with you a proposal of gigantic proporsions, one that could easily create what could be the next stage in Internation Unity.
Drawing upon the purpose of the National Confederate Space Operations Command, the Confederacy of Tulrania's space operational command and control, I have come up with an organization so huge it involves all of the United Nations Member Nations space command and control operational centers to unite their efforts on the goal of space exploration and/or the advancement of space travel and technological achievement.
This centain Organization would be called the International Space and Aeronautics Command, I.S.A.C., and serve as either the United Nations official space command and control operations organization or as a sepret but same organization dedicated to united efforts of each nations space programs in both technological advancement in all areas.
One obvious benefit to this would be the great amount of trust gain involved in the operations of the I.S.A.C. Space exploration and advancement is a hard task to achieve at one time, yet with the help of many nations working as one under the banner of unity, work and technological advancement would greatly rise, as with trust and friendship with National Leaders.
More advanced and safer ways of travel could possibly eb produced, meaning as with the airline industry to prevent certain faults from ever coming up as an issue again.
Cheaper means of resourse gatherment and managment could easily be researched and applied into factual science if these United Nations wished to do so, as with safer means of propulsion in both vehicles, military vehicles, and other means of engines.

In closing, this proposal is written to ask this United Nations to consider the possibility of a United Space Program between member nations. This could bring forth a new age of discovery and peace, if not new means of protection and non-lethal combat. New means of power generation could be developed, safer than the common Nuclear facilities of today. These new generations of power could easily be adapted to space craft if a mission to a near planet became considered.
I ask all who see this to consider the possibilities of this new program, this new Unified Space Organization which could be known as the International Space and Aeronautics Command. Nations could begin a new age of friendship and cooperation with other nations that was not even thought possible.
In the end this organization would not be mainly about the unified work between nations, but mainly be about the trust involved in each nations commitment in their brave souls whom work and thrive for the betterment of mankind and knowledge. Our Astronauts, all of them, would be entrusted by their home nation with other nations, gaining trust as each comes back home safely and each realizing the significance of an International Space Organization.
Consider it, for it may lead to new paths and new doors that we never saw the first time we checked the path of life. Just make sure its the right path, and all will go well.

Thank you all for your time.


Commander in Chief Alexander Reign
Leader of the Confederacy of Tulrania
Fallen Eden
21-12-2003, 07:20
As delegate of a small but scientifically curious Confederacy, I must say that I am of two minds regarding this proposal. Certainly, near-space as controlled by ISAC would be much more peaceful and harmonious than it might be in an environment off several different programs operating in the same sphere. That is to say, the freewheeling individual nations might or might not come to a peaceful resolution of space-use issues, but they would be more likely to if guided by ISAC.

On the other hand, I believe ISAC could be used, in its current form, as a regulatory weapon to hold down nations whose activities are not approved of by more powerful ISAC members. Nations should be able to use their space programs as vehicles for any kind of research their peoples see fit - medical, botanical, even militaristic, because all of science is one. If one field is obstructed in its free development, all are obstructed. This is true even of the ethics regarding use of human subjects in experiments. I do not recommend in any way that these rules be repealed, because they have kept science safe - nevertheless, they do indeed restrict the pursuit of knowledge in certain cases. As long as the basic interests of humanity are respected, science should be allowed to expand as necessary.

21-12-2003, 08:03
The United Nations has previously passed a resolution on this issue. It's different from this proposal, and so a follow-up might be considered, but the establishment of an international organization has already occured:

International Space Initiative

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy; A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.
Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Fortunado

Description: For better of democracy and the future of mankind, herewith is our proposal to form the International Space Intitiave (ISI).

A worldwide participatory group designed to cull the best and the brightest from around the globe for the sake of exploring worlds beyond our earthly soil. Rather than make the space race a race at all, the ISI fully utilizes the basic ideals of intelligence and communication. Working much like the United Nations, the ISI will plan, build and implement space exploration on a committee basis with shared expense and reward. As a bare bones plan, herewith are basic ideology for the ISI:

1. A universal collective of science, manufacturing and defense.

2. Cradle-to-grave education for all to ensure future generations that space is no longer regarded as a folly, but as a serious opportunity to utilize.

3. The chance to explore and possibly, ihabit, lands beyond Earth bringing forth a mission of Peace. Kindly cast your vote to ensure that the future of our children and our childrens' children fully explores all opportunities.

Votes For: 9806

Votes Against: 2930

Implemented: Mon Oct 6 2003
21-12-2003, 12:44
The Empire is totally in agreement with your proposal as we ourselves have taken in many feats of inter-planetary and space travel. Currently we are even trying to search Venus and Mercury in the new space craft we have rececntly finished. Possibly if this orginazation is created in the UN, then when we submit our findings and technology, you will have some good systems and schematics to start your program with. The Empire is behind you all the way.
21-12-2003, 13:12
The Empire is totally in agreement with your proposal as we ourselves have taken in many feats of inter-planetary and space travel. Currently we are even trying to search Venus and Mercury in the new space craft we have rececntly finished. Possibly if this orginazation is created in the UN, then when we submit our findings and technology, you will have some good systems and schematics to start your program with. The Empire is behind you all the way.

I'll let the people of Uranus know you're coming. :P