20-12-2003, 20:27
These is currently a proposal waiting to achieve quorum with a discription thusly phrased:
I am sick to my teeth of all of these proposals encouraging recreational drug use. I am so sick of it i have decided to submit this proposal. OUTLAW DRUGS COMPLETELY. They are in no way good. While they may give a person a few hours of pleasure they are killing brain cells at an alarming rate. and after all when we die (if ever) it will be these junkies that will be taking over. i am proposing that we BAN ALL DRUGS. Any violation of this rule should be punishable by death or a public flogging!
I urge you to read this proposal carefully. This states that ALL drugs should be banned, including those which not only do no harm, but those used for treating illness.
I ask that those people who have already approved this proposal reconsider, as we cannot allow this proposal to go to vote.
I am sick to my teeth of all of these proposals encouraging recreational drug use. I am so sick of it i have decided to submit this proposal. OUTLAW DRUGS COMPLETELY. They are in no way good. While they may give a person a few hours of pleasure they are killing brain cells at an alarming rate. and after all when we die (if ever) it will be these junkies that will be taking over. i am proposing that we BAN ALL DRUGS. Any violation of this rule should be punishable by death or a public flogging!
I urge you to read this proposal carefully. This states that ALL drugs should be banned, including those which not only do no harm, but those used for treating illness.
I ask that those people who have already approved this proposal reconsider, as we cannot allow this proposal to go to vote.