NationStates Jolt Archive

Please Vote to Arm All Airplane Passengers

20-12-2003, 05:02
I have submitted this proposal for consideration by the U.N. Delegation. It is sound and I would appreciate any and all comments upon it.

:P Arm All Airplane Passengers

Category: International Security
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Danakar

Description: Whereas terrorism and even more so the fear of it have crippled the peace of mind in our communities and nations around the globe, I submit a proposal that will end the need for that fear and the billions of dollars invested in overpriced technology to thwart said fears.

Very simply, all airline passengers over the age of 21 shall be issued a 1-shot, low velocity, .32 caliber derringer upon boarding their plane. No training is needed, for derringers in and of themselves cannot be fired until the hammer is pulled back, and the trigger pulled. This cannot be done accidentally.

Anyone using their derringer for any other reason than stopping a hostile takeover of a plane, shall be considered a terrorist in their own right and will be arrested upon landing and subject to the courts of the land they enter. All derringers will be relinquished upon landing in lieu of attempted terrorism also.

Furthermore, a passenger can refuse to carry their issued derringer, but do so at their own peril. It goes without saying that racial profiling will be necessary. There will be no issuance of derringers to anyone of Arabic, Persian, Afghan, Pakistani, Colombian, Basque, Cuban, North Korean, or Northern Irish origin and citizenship. As much of an infringement as this may be on civil liberties and race relations, the last time I checked, there weren’t any Canadians, Japanese, Tanzanian, Icelandic, Ukrainian, or Costa Rican hijackings! This has been brought upon the restricted groups solely by themselves.

Also, concerns over depressurization are over dramatized. It is rather amazing the amount of a beating a 747 can take and still remain aloft. Do not believe the scenes from the Goldfinger movie of 1964! Ask any pilot. Of course, putting an airtight seal on the cabin door would be one solution, but the cost may be prohibitive to some airlines.

This resolution will immediately put an end to hijackings and the fear of terrorist takeovers of jets worldwide.

If agreed upon, the manufacturing contracts of these derringers of which millions would be needed, shall be given solely to countries whose economies are in shambles. Liberia, Sierra Leone, etc.

If this resolution shall pass, another shall be submitted urging the complete eradication of rape in the modern age. All countries will be encouraged to apply a similiar standard to women who leave their homes. If all females carried a gun by law, rape would be diminished by 95% in the first 6 months alone...... This is not a joke! The gun is not the problem, human nature is. An armed society is a polite society. I urge the passage of this resolution. 9/11 would not have happened had this resolution been in place.