NationStates Jolt Archive

The Execution of White trash. Check it out in the proposals

19-12-2003, 01:47
:D :o :lol: :) :!: :idea:
19-12-2003, 02:01
You are retarded. And you need to stop being racist against white people.
Trashed Wasteland
19-12-2003, 02:01
Quit wasting our time with useless and bullshit proposals. There are too many trash proposals, and this is just adding to the problem. There is no way this proposal could ever work, and putting it in the Social Justice catagory is just wrong.
19-12-2003, 02:02
You are retarded. And you need to stop being racist against white people.
19-12-2003, 02:04
Where would the world be without Tonya Harding?
19-12-2003, 03:33
:D :o :lol: :) :!: :idea:
Obvious signs of maturity aside, what a stunningly well-written endorsement post.

Time wasting tripe. Move on.
19-12-2003, 06:54
Wow... the hate... its like... so thick I could reach out, pull it out of the air and eat some. Is hate polluting? Why am I being so darn surrealistic? Does having only 2 hours of sleep over the past 48 hours have anything to do with this? Do purple elephants exist?

BTW, all of the above was merely to make the point that perhaps the dude was joking, albeit rather crude humour.