Approval of Napalm Ban
Liberated America
13-12-2003, 00:15
My Fellow UN Members, I think I speak for all of us when I say that the Gel-based agent known as "Napalm" is simply a barbaric way of killing one's enemy. Many of you think it kills by burning its victims to death, but that is only the case some of the time. In almost all cases, the cause of death is the victim's lungs are sucked dry from the heat, and collapse in upon themselves, causing a painful death at the hands of suffocation, not fire. So I resolve to ban its use and end this way of death, whether by fire, or suffocation. So please approve this resolution in order to make way for a more humane way of bringing death to our enemies.
Ban napalm? That's ridiculous. I think you need to stop being such a crybaby Nancy boy and think up some REAL ideas for UN proposals. Unless you're going to suggest replacing napalm with something more effective and more barbaric, I don't want to hear of this stupidity again.
Liberated America
13-12-2003, 00:36
Then i shall suggest a much more humane flame based weapon for countries who feel they need to be so barbaric.
A mix of Jet fuel and diesel fuel provides a very fast-burning, deadly agent which produces a heavy black smoke and stays a liquid for only 1/2 of a second, providing a faster death at the hands of extreme heat, not implosion. (by effect) More Effective, Less Barbaric
Then i shall suggest a much more humane flame based weapon for countries who feel they need to be so barbaric.
A mix of Jet fuel and diesel fuel provides a very fast-burning, deadly agent which produces a heavy black smoke and stays a liquid for only 1/2 of a second, providing a faster death at the hands of extreme heat, not implosion. (by effect) More Effective, Less Barbaric
Faster death? Where's the intimidation factor in that? I thought I said more effective, MORE barbaric anyways. :? Perhaps you misread.
Liberated America
13-12-2003, 00:52
No, you misread. I said i would propose a more effective, LESS barbaric way. As the flame lasts longer as it stays a liquid for less time, the vapors spread more quickly, this igniting things almost 10x faster.
The Kingdom of Skullzz will start a research program to provide its army with a weapon superior to napalm. We hope to achieve a liquid or gel that will ignite faster and more explosively, and effectively disable enemy troops, while not immediately killing them. Once the substance comes in contact with the troop, they will have to experience an amount of pain unheard of except to only the very most professional Torture Artists in The Kingdom.
Yes. Napalm is bad. It burns out trees and shrubbery where you could lie in hidding to ambush your enemy, and sieze his supply which would otherwise be destoyed by the Napalm. What a terrible waste that would be.
Used to "kill your enemies"?? Napalm??? No No No. Only Barbarians would use Napalm for war.
In Our country Napalm is used by our Department of Environmental Management in fighting wild fires , by creating "fire breakes" in a timely manner and to "defoliate" areas of "massive underbrush" build up.
We would NEVER use Napalm for war!!! :wink: :wink: :wink:
What about the poor elderly Friedylvanian grandmother (or babushka as we call them) who only has her garden for companionship? How is she going to quickly and effectively remove weeds, without the use of napalm?
Furthermore, a ban simply won't work. Napalm is easily put together by just about anybody - this means that rogue nations won't respect the ban (which would deny them a cheap effective weapon), while honest decent nations already don't use napalm. In the scheme of things, napalm is pretty benign as a weapon - constricting it could lead statesmen to consider it a greater use of utility to use more dangerous weapons, such as agent orange, and chemical weapons. If the UN moves to ban all weapons, UN members will be left unarmed to face rogue nations that do not respect the same utopian ideals as the moral majority in this assembly.
War is War. In war, people die. Thinking of friendlier ways of killing really shouldn’t help in anyway. Instead of thinking of “Humane” ways of blowing each other up, lets help the people.
Oh for ***'s sake, you are s***ing me!
First it landmines, now is napalm.
Landmines are no so easily produced, but napalm? NAPALM?
I have a better Idea, how about you try to get all nations and peoples to resolve disagreements through a friendly game of checkers?
You must be joking, the problem with trying to ban napalm or any othe weapon for that matter is impossible cause,
A) Your trying not only to destroy a weapon, but the idea for it too.
B) Its so freaking simple to make you dunce. There are so many variants.
C) You and another bunch of copy cat bleeding hearts (yeah, bleedin, we wish) cannot go about saying, oh, "weapon, makes pain, pain bad, save people, ban weapon" As there are more realists in the world then you, hence we are the majority.
I don't like death, war or needless pain, same as most people, but your just plain stupid to think you can banish weapons of any sort with a click of your fingers. How long till only the rogue nations you napalm, and not the people in other countries, across borders, whom they threaten. What are you gonna do, remove the weapons ingredients?
Jesus, these pixel wasting proposals are getting worse and worse.
With outrage at this pointless proposition, A Rep of Komokom.
I totally agree with you. Napalm should be banned and cut from the budget. It is too expensive to make, and it is unreliable. Much of the environment is destroyed when we use it. not to mention how unhumane it is.
I propose we invest in chemical weapons such as nerve gas and mustard gas. This is much cheaper to invest in, more reliable, and much more effective. As for environmental damage, it will only be temporary.
:( THe Emir is saddened to supposed that Napalm hasn't already been put on the list of banned weapons in NS.
Our information ministry is researching the issue. If someone else can give the rest of us a more definitive answer, we'd welcome it.
During a recent conflict in the Lake Ontario Tropical Islands region, the Commonwealth of Nolaerie was unduly targeted. Fortunately for them their incredible self-defense "Inbound Projectile Redirectors" worked extremely well, turning the napalm bombs to land in already contaminated waste sites. Other than weeding outside the long-entombed Clarkson Nuclear Power Station however, we see NO good use for this terrible weapon.
Postscript -- A peace treaty was signed between Nolaerie and the Greater Federation of Of the council of clan was signed ending all hostilities.
Liberated America
14-12-2003, 09:09