11-12-2003, 04:19
Getting sick off all those pointless proposals I sat and thought about what kind of proposal I could gum up here, and this is just about what I came up with, so please, give it a read, and if I get enough ENDORSEMENTS, AS I THINK I ACTUALLY NEED THE TWO TO POST THIS UP AS A PROPOSAL, But yeah, if I get enough support I'll postie this up for voting. Ahem, oh yeah, enjoy my attempt,
( EEK ! Stage fright ? ) :wink:
BTW, Constructive critisim always welcome, :wink:
Convention Against OUCH.
Strength, Significant
Category: Free Trade
Proposal On The Convention Against O.U.C.H. (Online Unauthorised Commercial Harassment)
I (On behalf of my government) present the following proposal in the interest of furthering free trade by limiting or removing/damaging the use of OUCH and its component parts. This is done in the interest of the economies of all member nations and their citizens. This proposal has been sent forth to the delegates and hopefully, the U.N. floor in the belief it may be of benefit to you all.
We, (The Republic of Komokom) consider O.U.C.H. (Online Unauthorised Commercial Harassment) to be the use by individuals, (Or groups, where they may be corporations, governments or other.) of unsolicited Internet based advertisement, examples of which are listed below:
1) Unsolicited “Junk” email, which may contain offensive materials, commercial or otherwise, that infringe on a persons or peoples email account, both morally and in the storage they take up, and may also contain contents that is harmful to their computer system and/or to that of their internet connection and/or service provider. A serious example of this as recorded by our national security service include recent attempts by cross border individuals to gain electronic entry into the primary design database of our national arms R&D company, by bombarding employee accounts with emails that contain offensive material and contain auto-executing files which attempt to lock computer control and transfer data to currently unidentified offshore accounts. Needless to say this was discovered and blocked, but it has created great worry for our trade department, when such attacks could be focused against major, multinational commercial institutions, some of which are based in our nation are an integral part of many economies.
2) Unsolicited “Pop Up” advertisements, which are know to regularly appear on screens of users when the user is reviewing a web page, and more often then not, these “Pop Up” adds are placed there by third parties without the consent of either the user or the owner/provider/administrator of the web page. These ads may once again contain offensive material or may occur so frequently as to limit the availability of parts or of all of the web page. This was noted again by our national security service when an individual in our borders attempted to limit and then reduce the ability of our citizens to view a web site linked to important government agencies and which contained important information on future economic long term investments which caused many individuals to make less informed choices which led to the closure of several commercial business which had a minor negative effect our economy.
3) Other, non-specific methods, including but not limited to:
The inclusion of commercial advertisement software in legitimate software packages and products, e.g.: - Add-ware, or the use by groups of software that is used to monitor the actions of an individual online so as to form data on their habits to be used in commercial applications, such as research or the sale of such data to other groups, needless to say, these can be causes of massive infringements on an individuals civil rights, in relation to privacy.
The use of rogue or hostile programs that attack the computer systems of individuals when they are online, which cause damage to their computer systems and warrant repairs or purchases of further equipment, or replacement of the old. Some of which are know to do this so as to regularly re-infect a system, preventing their total eradication, thus allowing them to restate their commercial or political message at will, contrary to the desires of the user.
While we, (People and government of Komokom), admit the total removal of such entities is virtually impossible due to their nature, we still desire to limit them in the interest of governments and valid commercial bodies as such things as listed here to be O.U.C.H are costing individuals, corporations and governments around the world billions of Komok Kredits per year in the development and manufacture/sale of software and other measures to control them.
We propose the instant development of legal applications to ease the ability of government bodies to track down and prosecute offenders using such materials listed as OUCH components regardless of national borders, although with respect for the punishments of the nation of which a offender is a citizen off, unless the citizen national government and the prosecuting government are in agreement.
We respectfully agree to your will.
A Rep of Komokom on behalf of the Republic of Komokom.
( EEK ! Stage fright ? ) :wink:
BTW, Constructive critisim always welcome, :wink:
Convention Against OUCH.
Strength, Significant
Category: Free Trade
Proposal On The Convention Against O.U.C.H. (Online Unauthorised Commercial Harassment)
I (On behalf of my government) present the following proposal in the interest of furthering free trade by limiting or removing/damaging the use of OUCH and its component parts. This is done in the interest of the economies of all member nations and their citizens. This proposal has been sent forth to the delegates and hopefully, the U.N. floor in the belief it may be of benefit to you all.
We, (The Republic of Komokom) consider O.U.C.H. (Online Unauthorised Commercial Harassment) to be the use by individuals, (Or groups, where they may be corporations, governments or other.) of unsolicited Internet based advertisement, examples of which are listed below:
1) Unsolicited “Junk” email, which may contain offensive materials, commercial or otherwise, that infringe on a persons or peoples email account, both morally and in the storage they take up, and may also contain contents that is harmful to their computer system and/or to that of their internet connection and/or service provider. A serious example of this as recorded by our national security service include recent attempts by cross border individuals to gain electronic entry into the primary design database of our national arms R&D company, by bombarding employee accounts with emails that contain offensive material and contain auto-executing files which attempt to lock computer control and transfer data to currently unidentified offshore accounts. Needless to say this was discovered and blocked, but it has created great worry for our trade department, when such attacks could be focused against major, multinational commercial institutions, some of which are based in our nation are an integral part of many economies.
2) Unsolicited “Pop Up” advertisements, which are know to regularly appear on screens of users when the user is reviewing a web page, and more often then not, these “Pop Up” adds are placed there by third parties without the consent of either the user or the owner/provider/administrator of the web page. These ads may once again contain offensive material or may occur so frequently as to limit the availability of parts or of all of the web page. This was noted again by our national security service when an individual in our borders attempted to limit and then reduce the ability of our citizens to view a web site linked to important government agencies and which contained important information on future economic long term investments which caused many individuals to make less informed choices which led to the closure of several commercial business which had a minor negative effect our economy.
3) Other, non-specific methods, including but not limited to:
The inclusion of commercial advertisement software in legitimate software packages and products, e.g.: - Add-ware, or the use by groups of software that is used to monitor the actions of an individual online so as to form data on their habits to be used in commercial applications, such as research or the sale of such data to other groups, needless to say, these can be causes of massive infringements on an individuals civil rights, in relation to privacy.
The use of rogue or hostile programs that attack the computer systems of individuals when they are online, which cause damage to their computer systems and warrant repairs or purchases of further equipment, or replacement of the old. Some of which are know to do this so as to regularly re-infect a system, preventing their total eradication, thus allowing them to restate their commercial or political message at will, contrary to the desires of the user.
While we, (People and government of Komokom), admit the total removal of such entities is virtually impossible due to their nature, we still desire to limit them in the interest of governments and valid commercial bodies as such things as listed here to be O.U.C.H are costing individuals, corporations and governments around the world billions of Komok Kredits per year in the development and manufacture/sale of software and other measures to control them.
We propose the instant development of legal applications to ease the ability of government bodies to track down and prosecute offenders using such materials listed as OUCH components regardless of national borders, although with respect for the punishments of the nation of which a offender is a citizen off, unless the citizen national government and the prosecuting government are in agreement.
We respectfully agree to your will.
A Rep of Komokom on behalf of the Republic of Komokom.