NationStates Jolt Archive


03-12-2003, 03:47
how will the innocent children of the world learn how to watch their step? I mean seriously, will your country's economy suffer if you lose 10-100 five year old children? i think not. not all of them are killed anyways. some still limp around and live very comfortable lives as vegetables watching cartoons. They don't even have to get out of bed to use the restroom!

All i'm saying is that a few dead kids shouldn't stop you from using an otherwise time tested method of waging war. that's why I'm voting against.
United Typos
03-12-2003, 03:52
this is why pooperscoopers should be banned in several places, upon banning of landmines, to supplement the sudden lack of landmine threat to teach people to watch their steps.
03-12-2003, 04:14
your reply is stupid and uninformed.
03-12-2003, 04:34
All i'm saying is that a few dead kids shouldn't stop you from using an otherwise time tested method of waging war. that's why I'm voting against.

Who says war has to be waged at all? Granted, it helps nations develop and generally makes rich people richer, which is all good if you're rich.

But these kids don't know what war is?

- It's not their fault they've just had their entire family killed and they, themselves are left legless and have to resort to working for midget pimps and subsequently infecting many other landmines victims with HIV and the like....

I say, why not just legalise cannabis everywhere - man we've already got enough cool things in the world to keep us amused for the next wee while.... including playstations... turntables and trees....trees are cool. :wink:
03-12-2003, 04:36
All i'm saying is that a few dead kids shouldn't stop you from using an otherwise time tested method of waging war. that's why I'm voting against.

Who says war has to be waged at all?

You and I may be rational enough to realize that war is just retarded, but what about those who aren't? What are we supposed to do when they come and attack us if not wage war?
03-12-2003, 04:41
I don't appreciate ignorance in my forum. Listen Dubb: you obviously have been the victim of a landmine near-hit which would explain the utter lack of brain function. I support waging war. That's why i am AGAINST the banning of landmines.
03-12-2003, 04:47
Personally I don't see the point of abandoning a really good weapon simply because sometimes people are at the wrong place at the wrong time. And besides you can reclaim most of them afterwards anyway.
03-12-2003, 04:48
I do disagree with Ithuania on most,if not all issues.

HOWEVER,name-calling and flaming is not something that should be permitted....I disagree ,yes, but see no need to insult, or to post something *I* intend as an insult (understanding that sometimes offense is taken where none is intended...)
03-12-2003, 05:03
Listen Dubb: you obviously have been the victim of a landmine near-hit which would explain the utter lack of brain function.

So whats your excuse? :D

The fact of the matter is killing people is only nessicary WHILE war is on...

If war is off then no-one needs to die - this is the main reason why it looks like landmines are out for the count.

P.S. - Don't beat up on the new guy...
03-12-2003, 05:07
You are fools, supporting the use of landmines is inhumane to say the least. If any of you have an ounce of humanity in you, you will vote for this bill. Landmines are simply no longer an effective way of holding territory, and serve only to demorilize civillians after combat. How can you disregard the lives of innocents for the sake of your own conquests? I implore you to have a heart, and support this bill.
03-12-2003, 05:14
Excuse me but I disagree, personal conquest is important. If some people get hurt or killed along the way that's their karma.
03-12-2003, 05:23
If they all don't go off that just means we didn't get them all. Next time they may want to join the winning team.
03-12-2003, 05:30
Winning team? Karma? Have you all gone stark raving mad? Are you two actually blaming the innocent victims of land mines? How can you put personal conquest before the needs of the people? What is wrong with you people? Have you no souls?
03-12-2003, 05:40
I'm not blaming them, I'm blaming their karma. Innocent people die, deal with it. My destiny is to conquer, I don't really care about those who are unlucky enough to be in my path.
03-12-2003, 05:42
I don't see a use for landmines anyway. With the ability to bomb your enemies, and the use of minesweepers, its simply a waste of resources.
03-12-2003, 05:49
How does one go about seperating the man from his karma? You can't say that they deserve to die because of their karma, then say that I have to deal with innocent people dying. I believe you have suffered one too many concussions on the field of battle my friend.
03-12-2003, 05:50
This current resolution is contradictory to the first ever resolution that passed. This was passed with a vote of 2 to 1 and says that all UN member nations get HUGE AMOUNTS OF WEAPONS FOR FREE FOREVER! Which is exactly why I joined the UN. So all member nations have bizilllions of all sorts of mines anyways.
03-12-2003, 06:01
That's true, you can't seperate a man from his karma. And if it's his karma to die then it's his karma to die. I will not sacrafice my conquests and destiny just so some peasant can live a little longer.
03-12-2003, 07:40
The use of arms has been taken away from the soldiers and given to the hands of the Beauracrat. Soldiers should die in wars, not children and especially not farmers. This legislation is straight forward and intuitive, those that deny it's logical conclusion should help both mentally and ethically.
West Brighton
03-12-2003, 07:45
We should absolutely vote against banning landmines, and heres why. Landmines are used as the first line of defense by impoverished nations and military tactitians TO PROTECT THEIR OWN LAND. It is more often than not the home turf country that is doing the planting. I know that if I were being invaded, I would absolutely plant them [and mark maps]. It would not be MY troops walking on them. And given the encroaching country actually wins the war, they deserve walking over 'em for the next 20 years as retribution for taking my land from me. It's either landmines or Napalm and mortar fire. You decide.
03-12-2003, 07:48
Nabalose I think you better study history more; in war, especially in the past, civilians have always died. That's not a new thing. If anything it's better now, in the past they'd slaughter whole villages.
03-12-2003, 08:12
I am right. You (if you disagree with me) are wrong.

I hope Jesus steps on a landmine.