NationStates Jolt Archive

Restriction of Forced Labor

29-11-2003, 18:18
We Lucitavians have proposed a resolution for the United Nations and would request a debate on the issue.

The Resolution:


Today, millions of indigent men, women, and children are exploited by forced labor throughout many developing countries in the world. Many workers are often beaten or excetuted if they refuse to comply, or they simply parish from the harsh working conditions. They are also paid very little to produce retail items that cost as much as a hundred times their own salary. This must stop if we wish to proceed into a new era of peace and prosperity.


I, as the ambassador of the Democratic Republic of Lucitavia, believe that the United Nations should make it a policy to oppose such cruel and unusual practices of labor by:

1. Forcing all UN countries to publish reports on their working conditions.
2. Having routine inspections of questionable countries.
3. Calling for sanctions on countries who promote forced labor.
4. Calling for sanctions on countries who would purchase goods manufactured by processes of forced labor.
5. And, if necessary the forced removal of countries from the UN that refuse to better the workling conditions in their countries.


This resolution will give greater economic prosperity to underdeveloped countries, because with the absence of forced labor their workers will achieve their own incomes to purchase goods and services that will in turn fuel the countries' own economies. More importantly, the peoples of the world will again make one great step to better social principles and the greater good of humanity.

Your opinions are welcome and we would request that you please give it your approval if you agree the issue. Thank you.
29-11-2003, 18:23
Forced labor is a terrible thing. This resolution shall improve both civil rights, and the economy. I'll support this. Good luck, and may we live to see that there be no forced labor. :wink:
29-11-2003, 18:28
Thank you for your support Spartan States.
29-11-2003, 18:33
1. Forcing all UN countries to publish reports on their working conditions.
5. And, if necessary the forced removal of countries from the UN that refuse to better the workling conditions in their countries.

What do these have to do with forced labor? An individual can voluntarily agree to work in a place with crappy conditions, or he can be forced to work in a mansion. The first is perfectly OK, the second is slavery.
29-11-2003, 18:38
Well my resolution is to stop forced labor. Therefore countries would have to publish reports on their labor situations, such as how much there workers are paid, feed, etc.

5. Referes to countries in the UN that have forced labor and refuse to solve these problems.
29-11-2003, 18:46
You've refused to answer my question. What does pay scale have to do with forced labor?
29-11-2003, 18:57
Pay has to do with forced labor. Because many people in underdeveloped countries are paid very little to live off of and are forced to work in horrible working conditions, often with their whole families. And they are beaten or executed if they refuse to work.
29-11-2003, 19:13
Forcing someone to work is forcing someone to work whether you pay him absolutely nothing or $5000 an hour. The key issue is that he is forced to work under the threat of violence if he refuses. If someone agrees to work for pennies a day voluntarily, and he is not under the threat of violence to decide one way or the other, then that is perfectly fine and is not the concern of anyone except the parties involved. If someone is threatened with violence if he refuses to work, then it is criminal behavior regardless of whether or not he is being compensated.

As a real-world example, slaves in the US were actually fairly well compensated--but slavery was evil because they were forced to work, and violent force would be used against them if they refused to work. Their compensation had nothing to do with the fact that they were slaves.
New Babel
29-11-2003, 19:23
salary is being dealt with with the banned minimum wage proposal, but seriously... if you're getting paid $0.15 / hr that's just exploitation...
29-11-2003, 19:32
29-11-2003, 19:33
Salary is just an aspect of my resolution.
I also addressed forced labor in executions and torture.
Not to mention Child labor.
29-11-2003, 19:34
No, it's not. As long as the employee agrees to work there of his own free will, without any threat of physical violence to compel him to decide one way or the other, there is nothing wrong with that. If he wants to work for fifteen cents an hour, that's HIS decision. No one else's.

Run your own life and stop trying to tell other people how to run theirs.
29-11-2003, 19:39
Actually my resolution is not based solely on pay! Its on Froced labor!
And people forced into labor are often paid very little that they cannot afford housing or food. No where in my resolution does it say anything about changing salaries specifically.

OCC: This is all ficticious. The Internet. A text RPG. Don't get so pissed.
New Babel
29-11-2003, 19:39
You're raping the funds out of your own citizens ears and feel no shame, ithuania? Ruin your own life. Not theirs. If people can pay less, they will. And... you need to go to college or high school or something.
New Babel
29-11-2003, 19:41
Oh, I know. You're resolution is fine. I just mentioned that the salary was being dealt with somewhere else. It will be easier to get this one passed if you remove the salary part.
29-11-2003, 19:47
You're raping the funds out of your own citizens ears
How? The money wasn't theirs to begin with. It's the employer's, to exchange with the employees for labor on terms they themselves agree on--no one else needs to get involved.
29-11-2003, 19:51

Look over my resolution I SAY nothing about salaries.
29-11-2003, 19:53
Its only in my introduction and it was mentioned very vaguely. In my proposal: I say working conditions not salary. Meaning if tehy are feed, if children ahve to work, etc....
New Babel
29-11-2003, 19:53
okie dokie.
29-11-2003, 23:25
I think forced labour is cruell. Just pay them a salary, they will work harder and have a right to exist.
New Babel
29-11-2003, 23:39
forced labor is like rape. it's no fun for the victims.
30-11-2003, 00:22
I think forced labour is cruell. Just pay them a salary, they will work harder and have a right to exist.

Whether or not someone is paid for his labor has nothing to do with whether or not he is forced to work against his will.
30-11-2003, 00:33
I think forced labour is cruell. Just pay them a salary, they will work harder and have a right to exist.

Whether or not someone is paid for his labor has nothing to do with whether or not he is forced to work against his will.

Ithuania correcting other people on thier definitions of words... heh....
30-11-2003, 02:23
Well people can still be paid horrible salaries and not have the right to choos etheir work. And tehy cna still be tortured or exploited while being paid.
01-12-2003, 03:31
I'm happy to see all of the the support behind my resolution, but I still need more than a hundred approvals. So, if you are a UN Regional Delegtae who agrees with this resolution please approve it. If you are just a member of the UN and you support thsi resolution please vote for it if the time comes and see if you may get your Regional delegate to look at it. Thank you for all of your support. And you happen to disagree with my opinion please post here or telegram me, your view poinis welcome. :D
01-12-2003, 13:17
I say it is a horrible thing but in my country children are not forced to work they may work as they please but they are not aloud in coal mines or sweat shops they may work where ever they please
03-12-2003, 02:07
Lucitavia would like to thank the supporters of our resolution:

(Avalonian Angels, Mundainia, Endolantron, EXCITING EXISTANCE, Knootoss, Sox Nation, Mizani, Nendeln, Scyphia, Darranack, Sulon, Boudica, Higarra, The Bruce, Kristinuria, Hamme, Carebearhugs, Galician folk, Jako, Draumeland, Seocc, Butthole, Ienotheisa, Sofalia, Koth-Amon, St Lazare, Benlandia, Yaddaya, Hill People, Ariddia, BillyDean, Cacatua Alba, Alex The Tall, StovjestovqueX, Fame Academy Rejects, Nibbleton, Lamoni, Compreensao, Leialand, RockinCasbah, Mattsachusetts, Athamasha, Patar, Tempus Incognitum, Vilius, New North Balwyn, Goldfish Addicts, Apuent, Haida Gwaii, Petohdom, Jurondar, Slipperyland, Chris Blanchard, Fruztya, Isanistan, Binzer, Five Civilized Nations, Airgead, Blocton, Mikaelsdaman, Arinim, Squatia, _Myopia_, Truth-Seekers, West - Europa, Olde Club, Arendstan, Christ the Messiah, Zen, Christopher IV, New Ithilien, Republican Britain, Why and wy not, Huskatopia, Stefanopolis, Ostella, Matthewdom, Port Coquitlam, Segania, Upper Scandicanada, Jesda)

However we still need more..... so please support our resolution as today is the last day. Thank you all for your support, and hopefully if we are approved you and make it to the voting floor you will vote in our

Ambassador Robert Townsend
The Democratic Republic of Lucitavia