****Say NO to high Income Tax!!!! Say YES to proposal!!!****
Please encourage your UN delegate to vote for the proposal called "Income Tax".
"Description: I think that the UN should set a maximum income tax rate for nations so that leaders cannot deprive their people of their needs. Some nations have tax at 80% or more - far too high."
May lady luck follow you on your path!
The Global Market
23-11-2003, 03:50
I will support this proposal as a great victory for Human Rights.
Is that it? I'm afraid it would have to be more specific than that if it were to get my vote.
Rational Self Interest
23-11-2003, 04:25
This is a game mechanics proposal, hence illegal. It wouldn't even work as a principle for voluntary compliance, because nations have no direct control over their tax rates.
This is a game mechanics proposal, hence illegal. It wouldn't even work as a principle for voluntary compliance, because nations have no direct control over their tax rates.
The United Nations is the greatest tool we have to change the path we all walk on, if it's illegal it won't work (and no harm is done), and if it's legal, we would have made a great contribution to the personal freedom of our people. Ridiculously high taxes is a way to keep people down, and keep them from realising their greatest potential.
Keep smiling!
i second the fact that you can not control the income tax rates....a nation in my region used to have a 98% tax rate and didn't know how he got it so i believe this proposal is useless.
i second the fact that you can not control the income tax rates....a nation in my region used to have a 98% tax rate and didn't know how he got it so i believe this proposal is useless.
But someone is in control, and I believe the UN is the best way to tell that someone that high taxes is crippling our brothers and sisters who is so unfortunate to live in such a country.
Thou shall love thy neighbour!
Oppressed Possums
24-11-2003, 01:46
80%, 100%, it's all relative. If you cap it at 80%, that's effectively making a 100% of the the set max.