NationStates Jolt Archive

Equality is a nonsence

18-11-2003, 19:18
You cannot add humans, you cannot subtract humans therefore an Equality concept is mathematicaly impossible.

Equality means evry person as the same rights to do what they do, therefore a terrorist as the right to blow up your house as valid as a mother to give birth to childrens? I dont think so.

First rule of the Nature is "natural sélection": if you cannot fight for it, you deserve to die. Therefore according equality to evrybody means suppressing the basic fight; this will lead to the termination of all the species.

I'm against Equality because it is not the way the things works, this is just immoral to give someone something he will use against you.

Did equality between man and women solved anything? NO, it just added more law suits, lobbism and sectarism, and even promoted homosexuality. Nowaday some womens think they are superior because they'v won their Equality against mens, which is the more moronic things ever created.

Did Democratie stopped wars? Did the unemployment gone down?

If you look at a Lion and says to him: we are both creatures of Gods, therefore we are equals....the lion eats you.... think about that.
18-11-2003, 19:49
So true it is, watch out most people here a guilt filled liberals so they probebly wont agree
18-11-2003, 20:01
Liberalism is the worse jail ever, you get emprison for your ideas by your ideas, stupid isnt it?