UN Proposal- Military Grade For Military.
I ask that the Regional Delegates to the U.N Please place their support for the proposal Military Grade for Military, which is reproduced below. I thank those who already have endorsed it, but with less than 36 hours before it dies, I hope that the remaining 100+ approvals needed can be gathered. Here is the text of the Proposal.
As many of my fellow members can see, terroists are quickly getting their hands on weapons and equipment that can be considered to be military grade technology, many times through legitaminte means. I propose that all member nations prohibit the sale of assult rifles, tanks, rocket launchers, and other 'military-grade' equipment to private citizens, no matter their background. I feel that this will help curtail international terrorism and not hurt the economies of nations who rely on arms manufacturing as a major source of national income.
I thank you for your support.
The President of Uber Neo Zeon.
14-11-2003, 16:03
How will we control black market sales from non-UN nations?
How will we control black market sales from non-UN nations?
Unfortenetly, we can't. However, the majority of nations are either part of the U.N. or are controlled by parties with U.N. ties, so this should curtail much of the sales.
Wow, a proposal I would support. As of this writing, I have voted against every resolution there has been. I'm glad to see that my previous assumption that only morons create proposals is wrong. Unfortunately, I am not a delegate, but I will bring this proposal to my delegate's attention.
Where there is a demand there will be a supply. Terrorists will get their weapons illegally. This will not curtail international terrorism but will curtail civil liberties. So this is (a) pointless and (b) showing that you are afraid and suspicious of your peasants.
Rational Self Interest
14-11-2003, 20:58
Whether "most" nations refrain from selling weapons to terrorists really doesn't matter. It only takes ONE nation willing to supply them with rocket launchers, white phosphorus, or nerve gas - or plutonium or tularemia.
(Tanks? are you kidding? it's the last thing in the world any terrorist would have a use for.)
New Clarkhall
14-11-2003, 21:20
I think you fail to understand that terrorists really don't need or buy much of the equipment whose sale you seem to want to control. The types of firearms a terrorist wound want would be in the small arms, rifles, and explosives department.
Also, those governments who do sell 'military grade weapons' either do so directly to other nations, or deliberately supply them to rebellious or separatist groups in other countries. If a nation is already selling weapons to such separatist groups (and thus already engaged in hostile behavior), this proposal isn't going to do anything to stop them.
While the people of New Clarkhall approve of your commitment to fight terrorism, we hold that the provisions of your proposal are simply not adequate to target terrorist supply lines or put any dent in the efforts of international terrorists.
The people of New Clarkhall stand against this proposal.
The Global Market
14-11-2003, 21:25
I ask that the Regional Delegates to the U.N Please place their support for the proposal Military Grade for Military, which is reproduced below. I thank those who already have endorsed it, but with less than 36 hours before it dies, I hope that the remaining 100+ approvals needed can be gathered. Here is the text of the Proposal.
As many of my fellow members can see, terroists are quickly getting their hands on weapons and equipment that can be considered to be military grade technology, many times through legitaminte means. I propose that all member nations prohibit the sale of assult rifles, tanks, rocket launchers, and other 'military-grade' equipment to private citizens, no matter their background. I feel that this will help curtail international terrorism and not hurt the economies of nations who rely on arms manufacturing as a major source of national income.
I thank you for your support.
The President of Uber Neo Zeon.
Likewise, we stand against this proposal. Assault rifles and rocket launchers are personal side arms. There is no reason to abolish private ownership of them.
1. Yes, I understand that it doesn't do enough, but isn't something better than nothing?
2. I am not suspicious of me citizens, and I do believe in the right to bear arms as a means of protection. But owning an assult rifle for "protection", especially in Uber Neo Zeon, is shear overkill!
3. Rocket Launcher a Personal Side Arm? Last time I heard, I side arm was a gun that could be drawn, held, and used with one hand.
4. This was my first proposal, so to those that support it, thank you.
To those who wish to Nickpick it to death, thank you as well.
The President of Uber Neo Zeon
1. Yes, I understand that it doesn't do enough, but isn't something better than nothing?
Not when that something does nothing to solve the problem for which it was intended and fails to solve that problem by violating the rights of everyone else.