current U.N. Proposal
Part 1: Setting up a worldwide program like that would actually be kinda cool, kinda like America's national park system. Many nations economies depend on natural products (i.e. woodchips). Without preserving sites around the world, our way of human life will be lost. Economies will suffer, and the next generation won't be able to tell apart apples from oranges. With all the amazing things that scientists can do today, they still can't clone trees or plants. So if we lose the natural habitats, we lose the plants species forever. As in we can't make them again. With out preserving sites around the world, many species would become endangered and extinct.
Excelent, It it passes I'll be sure to declare your entire country a protected "horld heritage" site.
The measure isn't a bad Idea, it's just badly implemented.
The Malarkies
14-11-2003, 06:26
Perhaps if countries could add only internal sites to world heritage (for funding or whatever), or the UN as a whole could declare certain cites world heritage (like the antarctic) this would work
Giving any country the power to zap any other country, however, is patenly ridiculous and would only lead to "environmental war."
I've voted against the measure in it's current incarnation, but I am not above the idea of a repeat in less-broad terms.
Sim, diplomat of the Malarkies
this is not a good resolution
Not surprisingly it's a terrible resolution...very few good ones come to a vote.
imported_Free Morons
14-11-2003, 09:48
The Ninth Speaker of the Confederacy of Free Morons asks:
So what was part 2...? Not that part 1 was particularly stellar....Hmmm... Nubile Women...What a concept...
I think it is an excellent resolution.
We must stop this infringment of soveriegnty. no one is against improving the enviroment but this is a badly written proposal and a danger as such there are no safegaurds in place to prevent abuse .
Second ths gives way to much power to a body with to many irresponsible nations who do not fully understand the consiquences of there actions.
there is a danger that this word body that is meant to represent us all is in fact being hijacked by a few wacky WHO activists
14-11-2003, 15:54
I think it is an excellent resolution.
How will you prevent nasty nations like Collaboration from listing all your vital resources?
Wow... could we get a proposal thats not about the enviornment?
Excelent, It it passes I'll be sure to declare your entire country a protected "horld heritage" site.
The measure isn't a bad Idea, it's just badly implemented.
Most certainly agree.
14-11-2003, 16:03
In theory it could practice?
we need to protect a few areas, but the areas that aren't set aside should be open for indutrializing. it should be up to each nation to decide which areas and how much should be set aside, and it is not anyone elses position to tell them what to do.
Can we have a more detailed list of "other environmentally damaging activities"?
I think that such a definition should be decided upon BEFORE the bill is passed...
The whole thing is messed up. There is talk about claiming whole countries world heritage sites, they will have to pull out of the UN to keep from that happening
We wish to inform the global community that upon acceptance of the World Heritage List proposal, Van Dieman Land declared a week-long national holiday to celebrate environmental protection. Hurrah!!