"On the resolution to stop countries from dumping garbage and hazardous material, i, the Emperor of the Republic of Alantino, voted Yes to stop this."--Emperor's stance on the issue.
"I think the water needs to stay clean, just imagine a world with oceans of sewage water"-- Quoted from the emperor this evening.
"But i think we need to go futher than just voting "yes" tothis resolution, there needs to be consequences for everyone found guilty of participating in the destruction of our oceans."-- More words on the issue from the emperor today. :D
As for curiosity purposes, we have created a poll to take the general opinions of the world on this issue.
yeah lets just dump all our trash at Republic of Alantino's front lawn.
This is a public message from the Neo-Communistic states to the Commonwealth of Giedi.
Our enviromentalists have found slightly higher traces of radioactive uranimum in your terretorrial waters than is the normal earth standard. We considered radioactive materials toxic. Though we know that your country is rather enviromental aware, we found that these particals, even though in minute proportions come from small spoils that slipt through your cleaning system. However with the current resolution you give us no other option. Improve the world, start somewhere. Unless you make sure absolutely nothing will enter the water anymore, one week after this resolution passes we will declare war on the Commonwealth of Giedi, because we feel forced to declare war on the Commonwealth of Giedi to shut down its uranium mining. We are secretly working in the intrest of other uranium mining nations to increase there monopoly by the way. They however feel secure enough that there army can withstand the UN. We are very sad to do this, but absoluty no toxic materials, means absolutily no toxic materials.
This ultimatium will never be followed through. However it is our last, maybe final attempt to stop the horror you unleashed on the world due to bad formulating. We are an enviromental conscious nation, but your initiative gives us enviromentally aware people a bad name. At this stage it will also not take the resolution anymore of the table, but at least I want to show the writer of the resolution what a horrible legal error he made. We hope that this awareness will result in more awareness in the future, and maybe an update of this resolution.
Neo-Communists, for a better world, but not with a sledgehammer.
ps. We are also very sad that the deligates failed to see this crusial error and managed to correct this.
30-10-2003, 17:14
Hi, Neo dude.
Thank you for the hello.
Does that mean you are preparing your armies to attack me in return, or to support me :P.
I have written before under The Gifted People.
I also picked up already that RP wars (real wars don't exist in this game), are often preformed without informing the UN.
As you can see, Demo-Bobylon, one man has more possibilties then only a local forum to make his case ;).
30-10-2003, 17:48
Consequences mean detectiof violations, and enforcement.
This requires police, who require budgeted expenditures.
We support this necessary expense.
sure, but I hate to see everybody in jail.
Unless you propose a fine based on amount of polution. And then it would be a nice euphemism for taxes :P
Note, that that could heal the resolution though :)
As this resolution is passed, the republic of Alantino wants to discuss this issue with other interested parties, via telegram talk. We want to discuss what type of action should be resulted in a violation like this.
We are also interested in beginning a type of alliance to keep this under controll. All interested parties are suggested to contact us immediately.
Thank you,
Joseph Anthony Marzullo
Emperor of the Republic of Alantino :D