PLEASE Support War Medicine Act
28-10-2003, 17:39
Please have a look at and support the proposal "War Medicine Act," which is an addendum to the recently-passed "No Embragoes Against Mediciine," and covers a number of national security and soverignty issues and concerns raised by those who opposed the "No Embragoes Against Medicine" Resolution.
I believe passage of this proposal to be essential, since the other Medicine bill passed, with vague wording, and rife with loopholes and potential for abuse...this proposal seeks to close those loopholes, minimize the potential for abuse, and to protect the national security and soverignty of those nations who are now forced to live by the ill-concieved "No Embargoes Against Medicine" Resolution.
We fully support what the "No Emargoes Against Medicine" Resolution was TRYING to do...however, we founf the Resoultion completely unacceptable due to the vague wording, and the number of loopholes, and potential for abuse, and security breaches made possible by the aforementioned Resolution.
This is an attempt to make much better an ill-concieved and well-intentioned Resolution. Please support it.
Catholic Europe
28-10-2003, 17:52
Catholic Europe supports this proposal on the understanding that it will further improve the resolution 'No Emargoes Against Medicine' proposal.
29-10-2003, 06:38
Catholic Europe supports this proposal on the understanding that it will further improve the resolution 'No Emargoes Against Medicine' proposal.
Your understanding is correct. This does not seek to, in any way, undo the No Embargoes On Medicine merely seeks to address vague wording, potential national security issues, and close loopholes that could be exploited under the auspices of the No Embargoes Act...for example, sending in an enemy soldier or spy as a "doctor" and using him to then report on troop movements, military strategies, etc.
It also seeks to insure that any doctor treating war wounded in another nation are at least up to the lowest acceptable level of medical standards for that that a "quack" doctor doesn't come in and make things worse.
30-10-2003, 06:10
I believe this is VERY IMPORTANT, so....
01-11-2003, 23:26
Since I did not get enough to make it a Resolution, I'm gonna post it again. I thank the 30 nations who did endorse it.
If only there were a way to make this important addendum to the crappy No Embargoes Resolution more visible.
For those who supported "No Embargoes" be aware this Proposal does not seek to undermine "No Embargoes" It seeks only to address security problems, and to close off potential avenues for the abuse of the "No Embargoes" Act.
It seeks to implement what the No Embargoes Bill was TRYING to do...but it addresses the security concerns and the potential for abuse that it's original author did not consider.
So if you supported "No Embargoes" I would ask you also support this bill.
It only seeks to address problems left unaddressed by the original.
Let's face you want enemy spies and enemy combatants coming into YOUR country when you are at war, disguised as doctors?
Do you want quack "doctors" coming in causing more harm than good to your wounded?
Do you want to be forced to supply your enemy with medicines and doctors so that he can continue to inflict casualties on your people?
Do you want "doctors" coming into your country, perhaps giving out poisoned medicines, or releasing biological weapons? Many medicines can be perverted into use as biologic weapons.
While we applaud what the No Embargoes Bill was trying to did not address these concerns. My bill, "War Medicine Act" covers these concerns, while doing nothing to undermine "No Embargoes."
I implore nations to better think through and question proposals before they become Resolutions...and Resolutions befoe they become binding on people. Think specifically about the potential unintended consequences.
I have enumerated several of the unintended consequences of "No Embargoes." and with "War Medicine Act" i seek to address those consequences...not in any way to repeal "No Embargoes."
So, we will try posting it again...and I ask you to give it your support.
As things stand right now, an enemy can send spies, disguised as report on your military strategies, and troop enemy can send soldiers disguised as doctors to get themselves entrenched in your terrirtory, and fight you from the inside out...and there's nothing you can do about it, per UN Regs.
As things stand enemy can send poisioned medicine into your territory. Do you REALLY want that??
We do not want to see suffering, either. We generally abhor war in the first place...but, having said that...we still wish to have the ability to defend ourselves against terrorist tactics an enemy may use against us, under the current auspices of the "No Embargoes" Resolution.
The No Embargoes Resolution, as currently passed, allows for just such perversion of a good-intentioned bill...and opens the door for abuse of it by terroist nations, using terrorist tactics.
This is VERY IMPORTANT....and needs your support!!
03-11-2003, 18:27
Resubmitted. BUMP.
I would like to see the 30 nations who endorsed this the first time to re-endorse this...and each to ask 3 or 4 or their Delegate buddie to also endorse this.
Also, any nation who endorsed No Embargoes, please also consider endorsing this one. It does not seek to undermine "No Embargoes." It merely seeks to close the loopholes, and potential for abuse that currently exist in that well-intentioned, poorly worded Resolution.
05-11-2003, 05:53