NationStates Jolt Archive

Abortion - Page 3

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01-11-2003, 06:14
Thiscona, slavery was legal to, didnt make it right hey!? Im not trying to change your minds, you prefer baby killing to responsibility, however I will, wether here or somewere else call it what it is. I was one of the millions of americans who pushed my senator to ban partial birth abortions and will push, along with millions of others, to stop the barbaric practice altogether. If you think life is worrthless I cant help you. But I can and will argue for the unborns right to life no matter what. This is not a poularity contest. Its a matter of life and death. I choose life.

Stop the baby killing!

Like it or not, Abortions are going to be around forever. And most of those "rigth to know laws" are completely ignored by doctors because they are unconstitutional to start with. If all of the anti-abortionists debate like you you've got little to no hope of ever stopping abortions.

Your flaming isn't making any less abortions happen, in fact, the dissent against abortion has actually made more abortions happen, oddly enough. If I did my math right all those "right to know" laws made there be 16% more abortions.

And this IS a popularity contest, you aren't going to convince anyone by flaming, your just going to make an ass of yourself.
01-11-2003, 06:15
Official Statement
Calamshan: You have now been warned by me and by at least two other moderators to shape up your act. Either argue rationally - and by this I mean an actual argument and not a collection of repetitve slogans and putting words in other people's mouths - or forever hold your peace. If this sort of thing keeps up, the following action will be taken:
1. This thread will be locked (although it would be a shame to do so, it's beginning to go downhill)
2. Calamshan and any other posters indulging in pointless personal attacks will be censured.

Do I make myself abundantly clear?
01-11-2003, 06:17
Enodia, the issue is simple you either support human life or not. Pshyco babble and debate terms in this case are moot. The argument is that it's a womens right to chose, or a baby's right to life. Suicide in this country is illegal. Why, because life is sacred. And i dont here the pro-baby killing side stepping in saying it's the persons body, let them kill themselves if they like.
I dont know were you stand on the issue, but diplomacy in this case means compromise. And there is NO ROOM FOR COMPROMISE when it comes to a childs life.

Terms like abortion, and fetus, are used to lower a baby's status to sub human, to avoid the attack of guilt. As stated previously Hitler did the same to the jews. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to see what is at stake here. And im quite sure, as some of the opposition seems educated, that no rational human being could think a "fetus" is anything bit human. Its not a tire its not a car its a human.

And if folks get there feelings hurt that Im so blunt about it GOOD! Maybe they'll stop and think before they open thier mouths in favor of killing the innocent!
Spherical objects
01-11-2003, 06:18
Official Statement
Calamshan: You have now been warned by me and by at least two other moderators to shape up your act. Either argue rationally - and by this I mean an actual argument and not a collection of repetitve slogans and putting words in other people's mouths - or forever hold your peace. If this sort of thing keeps up, the following action will be taken:
1. This thread will be locked (although it would be a shame to do so, it's beginning to go downhill)
2. Calamshan and any other posters indulging in pointless personal attacks will be censured.

Do I make myself abundantly clear?

You do to me. But it would be shame to lock the thread just because one person is behaving badly........and he is behaving very badly, and foolishly.
01-11-2003, 06:22
Calamshan, you've been warned. Now that's that.

I said that I wasn't taking a stance on the abortion issue, but rather on your complete abdication of logic in argument. More to the point, I also made it very clear that I was taking a stance against the constant personal attacks which you have masqueraded as argument on this and other threads.
This thread is now locked (or it will be in a few seconds). Apologies to those who were debating quite merrily, once again the vocal minority have ruined things for the majority.

Calamshan, you can expect the full force of the law for your defiance of several warnings.