NationStates Jolt Archive

Resubmitted: Reduce Antibiotic Resistance

17-10-2003, 01:03
Yesterday evening, the proposal "Reduce Antibiotic Resistance" failed to reach quorum, having gotten just over 50 delegate endorsements. We'd like to thank the delegates who supported the proposal--both the approximately 30 who endorsed it early and the approximately 20 who endorsed it during those last 24 hours--as well as other United Nations members who lobbied their delegates on the proposal's behalf.

We believe that the proposal failed not because of any essential flaw, but because of our ineffectiveness in getting the message out in time. First, we note that the proposal received very little opposition in the forum: Only two nations had criticisms of it, and one of those nations ended up supporting it. Second, the influx of support in response to our 11th-hour appeal suggests that a fair number of people hadn't heard about the proposal, or our best arguments for it, in time.

We gratefully ask those delegates who supported the first incarnation of the proposal to renew their support. For those who didn't, please see our pleas for the proposal, here ( and here (

Thank you for your support.

Miranda Googleplex
United Nations Ambassador
Community of Gurthark
17-10-2003, 19:16