Should clones become our slave force?
Argue your case here:
I believe they should they are not true human beings and therefore should be placed in some sort of containment. Slaves may be a bit over the top but I think it could be made to work under some governemets however I think that mine would have to vote no against it and prevent a rebellin or uprising against my great dictatorship.
10-10-2003, 16:05
Clones are human beings. Twins can have the same DNA and no one even raises the idea of not classifying them as human beings. But if technology is used to create a humen being with the same DNa as another person, s/he should not be considered as a person?
What if you made an mistake and used the real person?
10-10-2003, 16:23
The door to that inhumane institution should remain forever closed.
Besides, human labor has less and less value these days; slaves would be less productive than automatons.
i agree, cloning should not be used as it is against what the evil lord intended
Argue your case here:
I believe they should they are not true human beings and therefore should be placed in some sort of containment. Slaves may be a bit over the top but I think it could be made to work under some governemets however I think that mine would have to vote no against it and prevent a rebellin or uprising against my great dictatorship.
If you want people to be able to debate with you you'll need to give a reason for this statement; I can't think of one. :?
10-10-2003, 20:21
People make robots, right? But robots ain't people.
People make clones, so they ain't people neither.
Nuff said.
-Prez Billy Bob Hicklee
The Global Market
10-10-2003, 20:24
Clones are people. They are exactly identical to people.
People make other people too. You concientiously have sex.
10-10-2003, 20:25
What's "concientiously"?
That anythin' like "consciously"?
'Cause I knows my lil lady ain't NEVER awake durin' our "times" t'gether.
-Prez Billy Bob Hicklee
Reiki Practitioners
10-10-2003, 20:48
Some people even sentiently have sex. But not all. That's another debate in itself.
Clones are sentient, and therefore are people. The GenetiCorp proposal doesn't spell out their rights clearly enough -- because ownership and slavery can get muddled in the minds of some.
What kind of "containment"? Prisons for less-than-human beings? Kept dormant but alive in flotation tanks for future organ harvesting?
We find such notions repellent, but they must be acknowledged as part of the possiblities.
Are cloned armies and clone army victories any less "true" than those born to women?
God Play questions, indeed.
Free Land of Reiki Practitioners
White Dwarf
11-10-2003, 12:00
clones can and can't be humans.
it all depends if they have a brain the functions like a normal humans or if they are just things that take every order
Clones are not human beings as they are created by humans. Our scientists gave life to them, so they must serve us (to ensure our econom ical growth). :cry:
Clones are not human beings as they are created by humans. Our scientists gave life to them, so they must serve us (to ensure our econom ical growth). :cry:
All humans are created by humans in one way or another. Many are now even created in part by a doctor in a laboratory (in developed nations, in vitro fertilization ["test-tube babies"] is now responsible for about one in fifteen births).
I challenge anyone to come up with a definition of "made by humans" that is even prima facie reasonable, applies to clones, and does not apply to IVF children.
This is even ignoring the fact that the process by which someone is made is entirely irrelevant to whether they should have human rights.
Miranda Googleplex
United Nations Ambassador
Community of Gurthark
11-10-2003, 18:40
Regardless of who created this life, scientists or humans through "fuchen" or procreation, the person, deserves the same freedoms as the other people in the society.
Alabammy, unfortunently the entire media hype a few years back about human clones has cought you and loaded you with false information. First of all, let's take a look at what a clone really is. A clone (lets take a human as an example) is a strand of DNA placed inside a egg which had it's original DNA removed. Then, it is grown inside a fetus. Now, that is asexual reproduction, BUT, it is created in the same way it would have in sexual reproduction- The sperm cell (DNA strands) joines the egg (egg)giving the egg the males half (in this case, the DNA gives the subject the entierty of it's DNA) of the DNA that will compile the zygote. The only difference is in how it was made, and that is a small one. They are still humans, EXACTLY IDENTICAL TO YOU (except it's DNA makeup has only come from one parent). So, no, they are still human beings. And your argument about how we make machines and they work for us, so why not humans is a very weak one. Machines are not identical to you, nor do they live. So, since there is no differnece, that would be like humans conceived from sexual reproduction (you and me) doing slave labor. And that, is against the UN.
Clones are not human beings as they are created by humans. Our scientists gave life to them, so they must serve us (to ensure our econom ical growth). :cry:
You, also, were created by humans. Idiot.
In one word: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oppressed Possums
11-10-2003, 23:59
What if we clone our slaves?
12-10-2003, 01:39
"It is absolutely unethical to force clones to become slaves... they have the same feelings, emotions, ideas, and all other defining characteristics of human beings, therefore forcing one to be a slave is absolutely wrong... though I respect the national soverignty of individual nations which may want to do this I would certainly oppose any UN resolution or law that would allow this to happen in my country."
-Written statement by the Deputy Minister for Morality and Ethics.
but what if you enslave your entire population, would it then be ethical to enslave your clones since otherwise they would be excluded because their clones
Using the logic of making clones, and then enslaving them to use as a major workforce makes no sense for many reasons:
1) A large group of clones, kept in check by a governing body that treats them as non-humans, will act as any normal human would, because they could think and feel and act the same way. They would tirelessly attempt to sabatoge your efforts, just as the slaves of the American South did before the Civil War.
2) A large group of clones would be almost worthless in an attempt to save money on labor, because of the fact that you would have to feed them, train them, wait for them to develop from their birth to an age where they can become useful for labor. If you care for them for 16 years, and then send them to work, where are you going to regain the costs of such a project?
3) To make such a labor force effective, you would need to utilize the most hardy, infection-resistant, able-bodied strains of DNA you can harvest/engineer. Also, to make them worthwile as workers, they would need to be pretty intelligent. The greatest threat to any establishment is the intelligent hard-working proletarian, who can gain the admiration and support of those who work with him. Such a man, with the strongest and smartest of the populace behind him, could overthrow many a government...especially when one is backwards enough to oppress such a group of people.
4) Look at Stalin as a case example. He sent all his political prisoners to the Gulags to work on the TransSiberian railroad, and it was all they could do to construct a shakey, unreliable conglomeration of segmented railways that constantly needed repair well into the later stages of the USSR.
Clone slave labor could only, onward down the line, doom a nation to overthrow or economic collapse and implosion.
However, do with your nations as you will. It isn't up to me to decide how you run your nation. It's only my opinion on the matter.