star wars
Un-Proposed Resolution #1 version 1.00
UNGlobal Defence Initiative
The purpose of this resolution is to create an international organisation devoted to the prevention of proliferation, containment, and destruction of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) throughout world.
We propose that this Organisation, henceforth referred to as UDI, concern itself with the implementation of a global defence initiative through the following measures:
- Developing and promoting international treaties concerning anti proliferation and the destruction of current WMD stockpiles
- Managing a database of known WMD armed countries, probable numbers of WMD's, movement of WMD throughout the international community
- Negotiating and developing national and global partnerships for the purposes of developing a global defence strategy for the nullification of threats from nuclear, biological and all WMD's
Through treaties, solid information about how many WMD's are in existence and who had them, and the creation of a global defence system all the world can be safe from the deployment of WMD's. While this will not be an overnight process, we feel that this technology would serve the world better in the hands of the many, than in the hands of individual nations.
proposal ends
Oppressed Possums
10-09-2003, 04:59
What about interstellar war?
No one will like taking theyr wepons and destroing them. Think about Russia, USA and other powers.
We the People's Republic Of Amyth notice that through treaties both Russia and the US have reduced, and stopped testing nuclear weapons. We are not suggesting this is a simple problem to deal with, and this solution is just a step towards a solution.
I was just wondering if any country would trust another to the extent of disposing of it's weapons. In theory it's a great idea but would it ever really work. :?
Catholic Europe
10-09-2003, 17:05
I would support any resolution that calls for a total ban on the use of nucleur weapons.
We the People's Republic Of Amyth would like to clairify that this proposal is mainly about the development of an international Strategic Defense Network, frequently refered to as "star wars" by the North American media. The part about treaties and information was mostly a hand-out to the conversational-sytle politicans. We at the PROA are worried that one nation will develop a SDI defense network and be able to act without fear of non-conventional retribution. As well, a SDI network in the hands of one nation, would force other nations to examine non-conventional weaponry, such as biologics, or chemical weapons.
We hope that the international community can access this technology before it tips the balance of power...
10-09-2003, 20:56
Could the Republic of Amyth guarntee that every country would stop the use of and development of weapons of mass destruction?
Come now representative,
No one can guarantee such a thing. Not even a large superpowers treaty or a ban on such weapons. This proposal's intent is to act as a deterent for use and a practical defense for all nations.
Still, we have reservations about such a proposal. First we note before the assembly that any member state could develop technology that would negate the effectiveness of this defense system by stealth or offensive means. Second, the control of such a powerful weapon, though based on a defensive purpose, is of concern to us. Certianly small nations like ours will have little say in it's control, which could lead to potential manipulation by larger nations.
Diplomatic Liason for the people of Kabuverdianu
We the People's Republic Of Amyth realise that any defensive measures would always be a technological race against new offensive developments, however we feel that the NSun must take a lead role in the deveolpment of this defensive technology otherwise it will end up in the hands of a single nation, and not be of benefit to anybody.
let me put it this way: DON'T TOUCH MY FREAKIN WEAPONS!!!
who are you to play god and tell us how to defend ourselves? bite me! these WMDs are the only things that save my nations from time to time.
let me put it this way: DON'T TOUCH MY FREAKIN WEAPONS!!!
who are you to play god and tell us how to defend ourselves? bite me! these WMDs are the only things that save my nations from time to time.
let me put it this way: DON'T TOUCH MY FREAKIN WEAPONS!!!
who are you to play god and tell us how to defend ourselves? bite me! these WMDs are the only things that save my nations from time to time.
We the PROA would like to use this example put forward by the non-un state of Moonlight Islands are an example of why we need to have a unified defense system. What would this nation do if only they possesed the technonlgy?
11-09-2003, 14:11
The purpose of this resolution is to create an international organisation devoted to the prevention of proliferation, containment, and destruction of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) throughout world.
What category would this be in?
If it's International Security, I'd vote against it, as it would indicate that the creation of a controlling police-like organization in itself wouldhave more effect than the arms-reduction effect it should create.
But what other category could this be in? Perhaps Gun Control - Tighten? It's a similar concept, although applied to different weapons. Moral decency? Social Justice?
We would think either:
Political Stability, as it restricts the political freedom to create and use WMD's
Gun Control, well...
or maybe a mild in either International Security or Disarmament
We would appreciate any thoughts...
11-09-2003, 14:46
I support proposals that limit or prevent the use of WMD's on or with one AU if the planet Earth. Until we have another planet to destroy, we should try to limit the amount of worldwide devastation we cause.