Game moderators read me!
10-11-2008, 22:38
okay, here's the deal.
my co-author and i recently got our repeal to reach quorum and will soon be up for WA vote. we both went on a TG campaign in order to bring awareness to the repeal. (which is why is passed)
i was later informed that our TG campaigning was actually spam, even though we only sent one telegram to our list of active delegates.
so i want to know whether Telegram Campaigning is actually considered spam and is it illegal (is TG campaigning illegal)
10-11-2008, 23:56, under "WA Advertising Spam is pretty clear that receiving WA approval TGs is up to the regional delegate.
The region "Furnation" has in its World Factbook entry the following phrase:
Delegate does not want to be contacted about proposals and considers it spam.'
I don't know how much clearer it can be. As a WA approval seeker, you are required to check, and they were right to call you on it.
Furthermore, the delegate in question was most polite and gave you a link, then in a followup gave you the exact phrasing of the rule in question. Given that you had access to all of the relevant rulings, your question to us was unnecessary. When players are that helpful, the least you can do is explore the links they provide and see for yourself.
11-11-2008, 20:12
you misunderstad, i thank him for his help and followed the link he sent me, however, i also wanted to get it verified by a moderator. because i thought TG campaigning was legal. and wasn't considered spam.
well, that was my first time approached by a delegate who didn't want to address the repeal, so i was surprised and that led me to post this thread.
so, TG campaigning is not spam, unless the regional delegate doesn't want to receive any? right?
11-11-2008, 20:16
Again (for the third time), the rules are quite clearly laid out in the One Stop Rules Shop.
WA Advertising Spam: Region natives are welcome, even encouraged, to post discussions of WA proposals and resolutions on their regional message boards. WA business is part of the region and part of the game.
Non-natives and region-hoppers are forbidden to post WA advertisements or requests for proposal approval outside of their native region.
Note that the Pacifics, Lazarus, and the Rejected Realms do not receive special treatment here. WA approval requests have even less relevance in the feeder regions than they do in player-created regions, and are thus forbidden.
Requests for proposal approval may be telegrammed to WA delegates, except where the region's World Factbook entry designates otherwise. More than one request per proposal may be considered spam and should be avoided.
We wrote up that rules thread so we wouldn't constantly have to track down specific rules. It would really help us if you read it first.
11-11-2008, 23:21
i did! but as i said before, i hadn't known that any WA delegate wouldn't want to practice his rights to vote on proposals. now i know. thank you.
oddly enough, i'm pretty sure i told him he could add that line to his WFE so he couldn't get WA advertising, as he complained to me about the spam when i did my campaigning...
Some players don't want to bother with proposals, i guess.