NationStates Jolt Archive

Nation states 2

25-09-2008, 23:34
hello, I received an beta invite to Nation States 2, unfortunately when I pu in my info I get the error message "We didn't fine a matching email and beta key"

the typo is in the message, not from me.... Is there any way for me to overcome this issue?
25-09-2008, 23:46
Right on the opening page of, it tells you what to do:

"We have sent out 500 Beta Keys, at random, to pre-registered nations. A whole lot more will be issued shortly; please be patient.

If you have verified your email address and are still having issues activating your beta key, please contact support at:"
26-09-2008, 17:29
Thanks, don't know how I missed that, probably wouldn't have seen that without your help. Thanks again.