Skyland Mt
13-08-2008, 00:24
I'm wondering why my profile says my birthdate was Nov. 30th. Its Sept. 20th. Also, since I had dificulties chaging my passwords, I have to log in once to view my homepage, again to write a post, and again to submit a long post. Is this normal?
13-08-2008, 02:01
Doesn't sound normal to me, but NS mods don't have access to modify or fix Jolt profiles. You may have to take it to Jolt General Forums.
I think they may have changed the way this forum uses cookies lately. Try deleting your cookies and trying again.
Skyland Mt
13-08-2008, 09:22
Thanks, but frankly I cant be bothered right now. Its an annoyance, not a hinderance to using the forum. My only concern is that my information might have got mixed up with someone else's, and I don't want someone else having access to my account or anything. Maybe I'll report it for that reason, if that's a valid concern.