NationStates Jolt Archive

New Stuff with OMAC

New Limacon
08-08-2008, 04:33
Recently there have been a lot of structural changes to the forums, which I imagine are due to the new management. I'm learning most of what's new whenever someone mentions in in General, which is not the most efficient system. So, I have a question:
1) Are the Mods being told about the changes directly, or are they just as surprised as the hoi-polloi?
2) If the Mods are being told directly, is there a sticky somewhere informing us of all these changes that I somehow missed?
3) If there isn't a sticky, could there be one, perhaps on Technical?

That's actually three questions. Oh well.
If the Mods don't know any more than the rest of us, I'll just live by the edge as I've been doing. But it'd be nice to have a fixed list of what's new.
08-08-2008, 14:46
Sometimes we get advanced notice, sometimes we don't.

We rarely get a detailed précis of the technical aspect of the changes - it's more along the lines of "would your players like a Quick Reply box"? Once that's implemented, it seems kinda pointless to say, "Hey, there's now a Quick Reply box," when it's obvious to any logged in user that it's now there.

To be brutally honest, we often get notified by our players that something new has been added. The avatars, for instance, came as a surprise adjunct to the new post titles. The Jolt Admins were fooling around with default player profiles and checked or unchecked a checkbox, allowing all users to have avatars. Several discussion threads opened in different forums almost immediately to discuss the change. Having an Official Sticky wouldn't have made the announcement happen any sooner.

As long as we don't actively manage the forums, I'm against adding a sticky. It's quite possible that a feature added today could be gone again tomorrow. My preference would be for users to find things out via experimentation. After all, there are a whole lot more of you than there are of us, so your chances of finding new goodies are actually better than ours.
New Limacon
12-08-2008, 04:36
That makes sense. Thanks for the reply.