24-07-2008, 22:43
This message is ment for anyone able to answer. Is this program free? And if not, how do I cancel my account? If it is, just in case could I still cancel my account? PLEASE REPLY SOON!
25-07-2008, 04:00
Yes, it's free. Don't worry, have fun, and read the stickies at the top of each forum to find out what to do.
If you decide not to continue playing, all you have to do is not log into your nation. You don't have to do anything else.
If you apply to join the World Assembly, you'll receive an e-mail with a link. If you then decide not to join, just don't click the link. (But you're only allowed ONE nation in the WA.) Even when you've joined the WA, you can drop out of it any time you choose.
None of it costs anything, and we're always glad to see new players.
So, welcome, Naltameus!