NationStates Jolt Archive

Abnormal WA Categorization

05-06-2008, 04:55
My Nation was reclassified from "Left Leaning College State" to "Capitalizt" with no changes at all in Civil Rights, Economy or Political Freedom since my last Issue and there has not been a report stating the change at all.
The Most Glorious Hack
05-06-2008, 05:18
Those three stats you see are factored by stats hidden from the player, just like the category is. It's entirely possible that you adjusted stats enough to change categories without changing any of your visible rankings.
05-06-2008, 06:08
Ah. Still, I didn't see an official report noting the change in categories like happened the last few times my nation switched government types so I was wondering if it might have been a bug.
05-06-2008, 14:06
Sirocco also mentioned fixing some issues here (, it could be that that's what caused your nation change.