NationStates Jolt Archive

Advertisements- More of them!

God Himself
06-05-2008, 00:04
Seriously, I almost feel left out, only seeing that one little google advertisement...


Actually seriously now, I read 4 webcomics, 3 of which have gourds of advertisements that have never bothered me at all. Why? Precisely the reason why Nationstates has its current advertisement- it's an advert for gaming. CtrAltDel-online, RealLifeComics, and megatokyo all have similar advertisements that I nearly always look at and occasionally click on, because they are generally links to my interests- other online games, anime, and other gamer stuff. One on reallifecomics advertising a book led to me purchasing the book. I've joined other online games due to advertisements on those sites.

Do a poll. See if we'd be offended or put off by more advertisements that are martketed to us.

I mean, clearly NS is already following the advice Max gave in his recent blog, but if webcomics can get away with many large, flashy banner advertisements, surely NS could get away with just a couple more than one tiny Ads by Google...

personally, anything short of the IRRITATING little text link advertisements like you find on news articles online sometimes... if you mouse over them they open up annoying little advertising windows.... anything short of that would be fine with me. well... that and pop ups... but then, those are obsolete anyway, what with pop up blockers.
06-05-2008, 05:03
Why on Earth would you want more ads? Most people do whatever they can go get rid of the damn things. Besides, the whole game is an ad for Max's Jennifer Government.
I V Stalin
06-05-2008, 20:03
Why on Earth would you want more ads? Most people do whatever they can go get rid of the damn things. Besides, the whole game is an ad for Max's Jennifer Government.
It'd be ads within an ad! It could start a whole new way of advertising right across the globe! Imagine it now, a Pepsi advert with product placement of Doritos and Quaker Oats...I'm sure advertising executives who earn hundreds of thousands a year could think up better ideas than that, but it's a start.