NationStates Jolt Archive

Secret Service in NationStates

21-04-2008, 03:22
ah, things like M15 and the CIA(if M15 is in fact real)

Secret services ran by the goverment to do things they dont want other countries to find out about!

NationStates should DEFINATLY HAVE THIS! The amility to perform a coup d'ete(destabalizing a goverment in power and replacing it) would be really aweseme, or the ability to incite riots in another country, or make guerillas uprise in them and cause civil war or terrorism (osama binladen worked for the CIA in afghanistan, to fight against the Soviets, boy did that backfire!)

You should also have the ability to want your secret service to attempt to assassinate or remove certain influencial figures, rebel leaders, or a leader of another country! Of coarse, you will have to fund research for this things to take place.

That brings me to the next motion. The country does not start with a secret service. They need to first fund for the creation of one, the keep funding to make it better. For me, i would perform heavy funding to the CCIA(Ceatus Central Intellegaince agency) and then perform off the line tasks in troubled countries, to supply arms to rebels, sabatoge economic things, and try to assassinate the bad peoples in them. 1960's France anyone?

So sorry for the terrible spelling, but i think this should definetly be made into one of the features.

By the way, can someone teach me how to make my military very large, but make them peace keepers? If the peace keeping option isn't available, then that needsto be added too!

A game like this is an open minded project, think of things that happen in the real world!
Steel Butterfly
21-04-2008, 06:12
Oh boy.

Well first of all this belongs in either gameplay or NS2, not technical.

Second, since there is no war, and no plans for war, I seriously doubt that assassinations would be written into the game.

What you can do is two things: write an issue or RP your secret service. Writing an issue will effect your national rankings. RPing will effect your "in-character" cannon. Either one would work, and be FAR easier than your suggestions.