NationStates Jolt Archive

Question regarding industry

Culexus Astrus
23-02-2008, 06:48
Hey guys, I was wondering:

1. Are the industries assigned when you start a game picked at random? If so, are there alot of opportunities later on to change them?

2. Are some industries better than others in terms of improving your economy stat?
23-02-2008, 06:56
Industries depend on the type of choices you make on issues. Funding education will increase the book publishing sector, it's all like that. There isn't really a way to get any industry at the start of the game, it's more random than anything.
St Edmund
23-02-2008, 14:45
You can make some changes later on, by choosing answers to issues that will support or reduce (or even outlaw) certain industries... and if you're in the UN then the passage of resolutions that are classified as 'Environmental' can reduce certain industries too. These changes may alter the list of industries that the programme shows as your nation's most important ones.