NationStates Jolt Archive

If ever there was a need for national adjectives....

19-02-2008, 02:44
then the following issue demands it...

"Nobody Expects The Bazalonia Inquisition! "

Now that just doesn't work, the pure name of the nation

"Nobody Expects The Bazalonian Inquisition!"
"Nobody Expects the Yafalonian and Bazorite Inquisition" (Yafalonia and Bazor 2)
"Nobody Expects the Rightist Inquistion!" (Atheistic Right)
"Nobody Expects the Bruceian Inquistion" (Sheilas and Bruces)

Those are just a couple of my nations with their national adjectives... I think it's a major part of the nation. As important as the Pre-title. Why shouldn't national adjectives be added/included into the actual NS game?
19-02-2008, 02:52
It'd be to complex of a program to achieve. Normally you could add "-ian" to the end of a word, but you'd need another variation for nations ending in vowels. And there'd be even more pronunciations that wouldn't fit.

The only efficient way to do it would be to force players to add the adjective form of their nation when they create it.
19-02-2008, 05:39
That's possible...

but it could also be as simple as adding it as another "setting" and adding an "@@ADJECTIVE@@" Macro for issues
The Most Glorious Hack
19-02-2008, 07:35
We're not particularly anxious to add another field that would need to be patrolled for abuse. If people can manage feather-bellied turtles and dolphins frolicking in the forest, we can live without adjectives.

Besides, how do you think I feel getting "Nobody Expects The The Most Glorious Hack Inquisition!"?
19-02-2008, 08:17
Besides, how do you think I feel getting "Nobody Expects The The Most Glorious Hack Inquisition!"?
