NationStates Jolt Archive

Expiry of Nationstates

AP3 10
01-02-2008, 01:32
What validity are there in the rumours that nationstates will end when its domain registration expires on 2008-08-13 16:18:19 ?

01-02-2008, 03:07
Since I don't have access to Max Barry's checkbook, I can't be 100% positive about this, but ...

Max is a successful author with several books to his name. He's been approached by Hollywood about adaptations of several of them. The chances that he would fail to invest $50 US (which is an even better deal in $AU ( than it was 5 years ago) to preserve a site he has five years invested in, not to mention the value that this site has attached to his name, are somewhere on the very low side of "between slim and none".

zOMG, I forgot! "NashunStat3s R Dying!!!one!1!"

I believe that rumor surfaced about January 2003, 3 months after the site went live, and has managed to pop up at least monthly ever since. Ooooh. I'm shaking.
01-02-2008, 03:12
There is such a thing as re-registering it right before it expires. Companies do it all the time. I'm sure that NationStates will do the same.