NationStates Jolt Archive

Lost Threads!

Quinntonian Dra-pol
23-01-2006, 18:18
What happeneed to all my old threads, it seems that every thread that I used to have, representing several ongoing RPs and hundreds of posts, are all gone, with only nine pages of threads and the search function turning up nothing!!!!
This is specifically in International Incidents.


24-01-2006, 00:14
Profile / Edit Options / Thread Display Options / Default Thread Age Cut Off / Show all threads.

The search function is kinda sucky, but all your threads are still there.
24-01-2006, 02:49
Profile / Edit Options / Thread Display Options / Default Thread Age Cut Off / Show all threads.

The search function is kinda sucky, but all your threads are still there.

Hey, thanks. I was thinking of asking the same question.

~ Romandeos.