NationStates Jolt Archive


The Kurtish Republic
09-01-2006, 23:32
Telegrams should be more like e-mails. Instead of going to the nation and writing a telegram from their, you should be able to click a reply button.
10-01-2006, 16:05
Telegrams should be more like e-mails. Instead of going to the nation and writing a telegram from their, you should be able to click a reply button.

Well, at least we have 'Anti-Spam' (ie. the ignore list)
10-01-2006, 19:16
you should be able to click a reply button.
If you click the name of the sending nation, it takes you straight to their nation page and the telegram box below. How is that significantly different from "reply"?

Edit: Ah, you probably meant "reply with prior email chain". You can do that manually via cut-and-paste, but including massive chains to all telegrams automatically would quckly consume a lot of server space. We'd rather not burn through our limited server space that quickly.