09-01-2006, 06:28
Sometimes I feel like 2 issues a day just isn't enough.
It takes me like 5, 10 minutes tops to do my 2 daily issues, then I'm bored. Maybe put options for 3 or 4? Unless there just aren't enough issues, in which case, ignore this =)
09-01-2006, 06:36
There are tons of things (http://ns.goobergunch.net/wiki/index.php/Gameplay) you can do in this game besides answer issues and vote in the UN once every 4-5 days. Your only limit is your imagination.
Yes, the issues question has been asked before and denied before. Two is the max.
HC Eredivisie
09-01-2006, 10:56
I can answer my issues in 10 seconds (and no, I don't just click something:p )
09-01-2006, 23:51
dont log on for 3 days and presto! you have 5 issues. but trust me, 2 is good. when they pile up they become too much
I hate coming back after 2 days and having 5 issues to do, personally. I pick them off as they appear.