dossiers empty
Priestess Pythia
07-01-2006, 20:46
I hate to be a whiner, and please tell me you are still working on this, but I lost all nations in my dossiers. This is kind of a dissaster, since I instantly lost all connections with my puppets.
Your search returned no results.
This is different from the message you get when you actually have no nations in your dossier:
You have no nations in your Dossier. To add a nation, view it and click the "Add <nation> to your Dossier" link at the bottom of its description.
I'm led to conclude that the bit of code that checks for the existence of nations in your dossier finds that they do, but that the bit of code that retrieves them has broken and doesn't actually find them.
07-01-2006, 20:54
This is a known issue, and Admin is currently working on it. Best guess is that the data is still there, but access has been cut off.
To all nations who haven't checked their dossier, DON'T.
It's possible that the act of looking at it actually clears it.
07-01-2006, 21:31
It's possible that the act of looking at it actually clears it.
Fortunately is doesn't and has been fixed.
Priestess Pythia
08-01-2006, 00:02
Fortunately is doesn't and has been fixed.
That was one heck of a sweaty moment :D
08-01-2006, 00:38
That was one heck of a sweaty moment :D
Time to copy your puppet / password list into a spreadsheet or something, wouldn't you say?
Priestess Pythia
08-01-2006, 01:25
That was what I was thinking. I'll get onto it right away. As long as I know all their names, I hardily ever have to call on the mods to revive them. It saves time for everybody.