NationStates Jolt Archive

When will this board work again…?

07-01-2006, 11:31
Over the last several months, this board has been plagued by numerous bugs and faults. Database errors, slow load times and the menus not working.

So, what’s going on? And more importantly, when can we expect things to return to normal?
07-01-2006, 11:38
Now, I guess.
07-01-2006, 11:48
Now? Well, in that case my account is bugged – because nothing seems to work for me…
07-01-2006, 11:56
So, what’s going on?

I think it's Javascript in the new version of Forum software. But I have the new Java program, so it's all fine here!
07-01-2006, 12:00
I think it's Javascript in the new version of Forum software. But I have the new Java program, so it's all fine here!
Javascript and Java are totally unrelated, despite the similar names.

For some reason Jolt sends different Javascript to different people, and for different boards. I can access the menus from some boards, but not from others, and it doesn't matter which browser I use. I posted some debugging information, but it seems that Jolt doesn't care.
07-01-2006, 12:08
So, what’s going on? And more importantly, when can we expect things to return to normal?

Maybe when the slightest mention of religion doesn't start a 400-page flame war? :headbang:
07-01-2006, 12:38
Maybe when the slightest mention of religion doesn't start a 400-page flame war? :headbang:

Well, it's not happening now!

(and, my javascript guess was almost right)
07-01-2006, 18:29
Just be happy that you weren't on the old boards. I don't think you ever would have surived there.

Most likely, it is a jolt problem, and therefore NS mods and admons have no access to how to fix it. The jolt admins probably already know about it, and are probably working on getting it fixed.
07-01-2006, 19:03
Just be happy that you weren't on the old boards. I don't think you ever would have surived there.

As has been said, the old boards had serious problems. There was a lot of lag and such things. Many times it simply wouldn't acknowledge a post. Being on Jolt is a large improvement and also means less work for the NS mods and admins. All the technical stuff like fixing the problems you've brought up are problems with the Jolt boards and thus not something that the NS mods are supposed to fix (I believe).

You might do well to post a similar thread in the Jolt technical forum as well as the NS one, as I think they could probably help you more. Then again, I am, as always, not a mod, so I have no power and no official say in stuff like this.
07-01-2006, 20:05
Yes, they are. (
The Most Glorious Hack
07-01-2006, 22:00
These problems started after Jolt upgraded the version of vBulletin they're using. Therefore, the problem is most likely on Jelsoft's end, which means there's not much we or Jolt can do about it.
07-01-2006, 22:17
When will this board work again?
In thunder, lightning, and in rain?
When the work of update's done
That will be at no time soon.
Where the place?
Upon the 'net
There to meet with...
