NationStates Jolt Archive

Firefox support and other minor problems/improvments

18-12-2005, 21:48
Ok, just to tell you right now, Firefox will work for me on the site itself, but I need to go into IE in order to get into the forums, so I'm sugesting that you can add a Basic HTML editor redirect for Firefox users instead of the advanced graphical interface that IE uses. This may not effect all Firefox users, but it does piss me off some (FYI I have FF vrs. 1.5.0). Another thing, for the UN, why not have a real-time setup (where if someone votes for something, it's updated emetially instead where you have to hit refresh (or reload for Netscape users) to see the change)? Oh, and when you enter the forums, instead of redirecting in the same window, have it pop up a new window (or tab, for Firefox) instead of redirecting in the same window. That way you can post stuff and take care of your nationstate all at the same time. Oh, and a IRC chat room would be nice to (I'm setting up a temp one later on Firefox Chatzilla, ill post it when i set it up)
18-12-2005, 23:13
I have firefox and the forums work just fine for me.
18-12-2005, 23:16
FYI I have FF vrs. 1.5.0

That's probably why.
English Humour
18-12-2005, 23:17
So many ideas, so little time (+energy).
18-12-2005, 23:18
As for the IRC chatroom suggestion, been there, done that, got the (in my case literally) I <3 #NSG T-shirt. Most NS IRC channels are on (I'm not sure if that's Chatzilla compatible): the biggest are #nationstates and #nationstates_general.
19-12-2005, 00:43
That's probably why.
Nope. I have Fx v1.5 and everything works fine.
19-12-2005, 01:33
Firefox works fine for me; I have 1.5 as well. It's probably your specific machine.
19-12-2005, 02:50
Ok, just to tell you right now, Firefox will work for me on the site itself, but I need to go into IE in order to get into the forums, so I'm sugesting that you can add a Basic HTML editor redirect for Firefox users instead of the advanced graphical interface that IE uses. This may not effect all Firefox users, but it does piss me off some (FYI I have FF vrs. 1.5.0).
I have been using NS from Firefox with every version since the alphas and have never had a problem
Another thing, for the UN, why not have a real-time setup (where if someone votes for something, it's updated emetially instead where you have to hit refresh (or reload for Netscape users) to see the change)?
Not programmatically practical.
Oh, and when you enter the forums, instead of redirecting in the same window, have it pop up a new window (or tab, for Firefox) instead of redirecting in the same window.
This is something worth thinking about, but I think that we'll leave it as it is as it is easy enough to open it in it's own tab/window should you desire.
Oh, and a IRC chat room would be nice to (I'm setting up a temp one later on Firefox Chatzilla, ill post it when i set it up)
We have no intentions of starting an official NationStates IRC channel. There are, however, a multitude of unofficial ones on
19-12-2005, 02:52
Another thing, for the UN, why not have a real-time setup (where if someone votes for something, it's updated emetially instead where you have to hit refresh (or reload for Netscape users) to see the change)?

*wonders what sort of bandwidth would be needed to do that.....

Oh, and when you enter the forums, instead of redirecting in the same window, have it pop up a new window (or tab, for Firefox) instead of redirecting in the same window. That way you can post stuff and take care of your nationstate all at the same time.

Suggestion: try the right mouse button, scroll down to "open in new window/tab"
The Most Glorious Hack
19-12-2005, 05:33
Suggestion: try the right mouse button, scroll down to "open in new window/tab"Right click? Pah! That's what the wheel button is for! Or, I suppose, CTRL+left click...
19-12-2005, 17:33
Right click? Pah! That's what the wheel button is for! Or, I suppose, CTRL+left click...

That works. But I better not continue, or this will become a Firefox suggestion thread....

And also, Firefox works fine... V 1.5!
Itinerate Tree Dweller
19-12-2005, 18:40
You can also drag and drop links to open new tabs.
19-12-2005, 21:14
Right click? Pah! That's what the wheel button is for! Or, I suppose, CTRL+left click...

After spending the summer working with a 2-button mouse......yeah
20-12-2005, 09:04
Nope. I have Fx v1.5 and everything works fine.


he might have tried to config some of the settings and had a PEBKAC error... :p or something like that