Two per day/weekday??
As I English isn't my primary language, I dont fully understand what is the difference between the selection in the settings page, where you can choose if you get issues "two per day" and " two per weekday"? Can someone clarify this, I didn't find the answer by CTRL+F searching from the FAQ
As I English isn't my primary language, I dont fully understand what is the difference between the selection in the settings page, where you can choose if you get issues "two per day" and " two per weekday"? Can someone clarify this, I didn't find the answer by CTRL+F searching from the FAQ
I'm assuming "two per day" means two each day Monday through Friday, and none on Saturday or Sunday, whereas "two per day" means two every day, seven days a week.
26-11-2005, 03:16
As I English isn't my primary language, I dont fully understand what is the difference between the selection in the settings page, where you can choose if you get issues "two per day" and " two per weekday"? Can someone clarify this, I didn't find the answer by CTRL+F searching from the FAQ
"two per day" -means you will have two issues everyday (Sunday and Saturady included)
"two per weekday" means you won't get an issue on Saturday or sunday, just Monday-Friday.
26-11-2005, 05:14
As I English isn't my primary language, I dont fully understand what is the difference between the selection in the settings page, where you can choose if you get issues "two per day" and " two per weekday"?
As a more general answer, in American English (not sure about British or other nations' use), "weekdays" refers to the days of the "work week" (Monday - Friday), also called "business days"... as distinct from the days of the weekend (Sunday and Saturday).
Thank you all for the replies.
I don't know about you, but
do you think this question
should be in the FAQ? It
doesn't hurt if its there,
right? ;)
The Most Glorious Hack
27-11-2005, 01:28
I believe the theory is that filling the FAQ with idiomatic definitions would cause it to become too full to be worthwhile.