NationStates Jolt Archive

Reusing nation names

Trilateral Commission
12-11-2005, 16:39
I read on the news page that a couple months ago we can use names of countries that have been inactive for 18 months. Is this stil going on? Are 18-month inactive countries' names still being released for re-use?
12-11-2005, 16:41
The project was put on hold due to issues with the Jolt-NationStates interface. Those problems have not been resolved, and we have some new problems as well. It's my understanding that Jolt has hired a specialist to try to resolve some of those issues.

For now, no old nationnames are being released.
12-11-2005, 17:24
I want first refusal on Twin Dragons when that is released ;)
Trilateral Commission
13-11-2005, 16:25
The project was put on hold due to issues with the Jolt-NationStates interface. Those problems have not been resolved, and we have some new problems as well. It's my understanding that Jolt has hired a specialist to try to resolve some of those issues.

For now, no old nationnames are being released.
Thanks for the info. Do you have an idea when old names will be released again?
English Humour
13-11-2005, 20:58
Well, since now there are even more problems with Jolt, reusing nation names is probably not at the top of their list. But we all hope, right?
14-11-2005, 05:29
So, are nations perma-deleted after a period of 18 months?
14-11-2005, 05:48

The plan was to recycle the names instead of leaving them in long-term storage. For now, all nations that have ever died of natural causes can be resurrected. I think.
The Bruce
28-11-2005, 00:01
My Greetings to All and Sundry,

That’s too bad. Especially with the bajillions of old names that were carelessly tossed onto nation states that never got much use before dying. I still do see a lot of creative use in names being used by players to overcome the ever-growing graveyard of good names, but this is particularly tough for the newer players who end up tossing names at the creation end of the game for up to an hour before one that isn’t taken is accepted. It’s not necessarily a big issue with the game’s oldtimers who have gotten the names they wanted (although there is one I’d really, really like from a long dead nation of a friend of mine. I'm not saying that for a while I was checking almost every day for it's release but it may have happened), but it does present a creative hurdle for new players.

The Bruce
The Most Glorious Hack
28-11-2005, 00:30
It's not that there's no official interest. Many of the mods have at least one name that they'd like to use, and are just waiting for the process to be finalized; it's more a matter of more pressing concerns coming up and causing distraction.

When you add the fact that the person who gets final review of all changes (Max) has recently had a major, life changing event (his daughter being born)... well... you can see how priorities have realigned.

This hasn't been forgotten.
28-11-2005, 05:52
It's not that there's no official interest. Many of the mods have at least one name that they'd like to use, and are just waiting for the process to be finalized; it's more a matter of more pressing concerns coming up and causing distraction.

When you add the fact that the person who gets final review of all changes (Max) has recently had a major, life changing event (his daughter being born)... well... you can see how priorities have realigned.

This hasn't been forgotten.
Weren't there also some technical problems with doing this too?
28-11-2005, 07:32
I think there was also the question of "what if a person who quit wants to come back?" Logic says that they'd want their old nation back, doesn't it?

Plus, there's always the names that were deleted for their inappropriateness. I suppose they can just stay in "long-term storage," though. :)
The Most Glorious Hack
28-11-2005, 10:12
I think there was also the question of "what if a person who quit wants to come back?" Logic says that they'd want their old nation back, doesn't it?The theory is that if they quit for 18 months, then they're SOL.

Plus, there's always the names that were deleted for their inappropriateness. I suppose they can just stay in "long-term storage," though. They'll stay deleted.
This United State
28-11-2005, 13:20
* Has returned to checking almost daily, just on the off chance. Like the lotto, this business *

In fact, in the spirit of the coming holiday, I have my list, and I've checked it twice, see-ing which names are naughty, and which would be nice ... <_<

However, what Fris and Hack have said is of course correct, and we'll have to wait for greater minds than ours to solve these problems ! It is a waiting game for now. So we must wait.
28-11-2005, 18:50
The theory is that if they quit for 18 months, then they're SOL.

Ooh, okay. Makes sense.

They'll stay deleted.

Imagine that. ;)
29-11-2005, 09:38
For those who were wondering about resurrections, my nation of Errinundera was resurrected after 2 years (Nov 2003 - Nov 2005). I was so pleased to be able to run it again.