NationStates Jolt Archive

Just a quick "thanks" :)

Powerhungry Chipmunks
08-11-2005, 14:45
I hope this is within the Technical forum rules (*rubs his special Myrth doll for good luck*).

I simply want to thank those that run Nationstates (mods, admin, etc.) for the new "spellcheck" feature for UN proposals. Perhaps I'm a little late, and this has been here for a while (the last time I proposed a text was possibly a month or so ago). But still, I would feel dubiously remiss if I didn't write out the appreciation I have for this.

This is one of the most often expressed complaints with UN proposals: spelling mistakes. And it occurs in a lot of proposals, even the most researched. There were proposals trying to force UN proposals to have correct spelling easily within the first quarter of the game (at least, correct grammar), though they were removed from the list of proposals. I am very glad the technical crew at Nationstates has devoted time to answering a question as widespread as this. This, among other things confirms to me that you guys care about how players, particularly those active in the UN, feel and about what we think.

Again, thanks. :)
Texan Hotrodders
08-11-2005, 15:01
All praise and glory be to...wait, Sal was the one who did this, right?

Sweet Lord this spellcheck thing is good news.:D
HC Eredivisie
08-11-2005, 16:04
And just as usefull as a fish in a desert when you talk in another language than English.:D Now we can have fun with correcting Dutch grammar:p
08-11-2005, 17:55
I would be nice if the spell-checker recognised 'NationStates' as a word. I don't suppose Salusa (or whoever runs NS now) could add it to the dictionary?

And the damned thing doesn't except British spelling. *mumbles about cultural imperialism*
08-11-2005, 18:35
'except British spelling'...mmm, yes, well, it's never going to be perfect. I see it's for TGs and RMBs as well. Nice idea.
08-11-2005, 18:38
Thanks a lot, this will make the world a lot easier on the eyes!

If anyone will bother to use it... :headbang:
08-11-2005, 18:44
Yes, it was me. Yes, we can specify a custom dictionary. No, we haven't done so yet. If you feel like posting commonly used words here that it doesn't recognize, I'll consider adding them.
The Blaatschapen
08-11-2005, 19:04
Well, since it doesn't understand British English, let's start with words like "favourite" and "colour" shall we? :p

Anyway, good job Sal :)
08-11-2005, 19:09
Yes, it was me. Yes, we can specify a custom dictionary. No, we haven't done so yet. If you feel like posting commonly used words here that it doesn't recognize, I'll consider adding them.
UK, for starters...
Itinerate Tree Dweller
08-11-2005, 20:11
It only works for internet explorer, yes?

Here is a spell check extension for firefox.
08-11-2005, 20:25
It only works for internet explorer, yes?

Works fine for me in firefox.
08-11-2005, 20:26
It only works for internet explorer, yes?

Here is a spell check extension for firefox.

No, it seems to work on Firefox too. But you're right, Spellbound makes it redundant on FF anyway.
08-11-2005, 21:05
I also notice that spell check's available in TGs. Thanks for that too.
08-11-2005, 23:32
I also notice that spell check's available in TGs. Thanks for that too.
CivHQ posts as well. This is a great addition, thanks! :)
09-11-2005, 02:24
Thanks to Salusa and whoever else got the spellcheck working. Also, is there any chance of adding that nifty feature to the forums or is that Jolt territory?
09-11-2005, 07:11
Thanks to Salusa and whoever else got the spellcheck working. Also, is there any chance of adding that nifty feature to the forums or is that Jolt territory?

That's Jolt territory.
11-11-2005, 12:20
I'll add my voice to those clamouring for recognition of British spellings. This feature could potentially be quite bad news for young Brits who find themselves learning incorrect spellings and then using them in, say, schoolwork. There are a lot of differences, too, so this isn't a minor issue.

As well as words like colo(u)r, we have check/que, recogniz/se, gra/ey, label(l)ing...
11-11-2005, 20:48
I'll add my voice to those clamouring for recognition of British spellings. This feature could potentially be quite bad news for young Brits who find themselves learning incorrect spellings and then using them in, say, schoolwork. There are a lot of differences, too, so this isn't a minor issue.

As well as words like colo(u)r, we have check/que, recogniz/se, gra/ey, label(l)ing...

Maybe we should compile a (brief-ish) list of words that we'd like to see added? I have no idea how easy is up to upgrade the custom dictionary, but it might be made a simpler task if we got our requests together in one place.
12-11-2005, 00:35

Here's a start:

acknowledgement, aeroplane, aesthetics, ageing, aging, aluminium, among, amongst, amortise, anaemia, anaesthesia, analogue, analyse, analyse, annex, annexe, apologise, apologize, archaeology, artefact, axe, B.Sc., balk, banister, bannister, baulk, behaviour, behove, blonde (for female), burette, burned, burnt, Caesarean, calibre, cancelled, candour, capitalise, catalogue, catalyse, centre, cheque, chequered, chili, chilli, cigarette, clamour, colour, connection, connexion, cosy, counsellor, criticise, criticize, curb (verb), defence, demeanour, despatch, dialogue, diarrhoea, dietician, dietitian, dispatch, doughnut, Dr , draught, dreamed, dreamt, edema, emphasise, encyclopædia, encyclopedia, endeavour, enquiry, enrol, esophagus, estrogen, favour, fetus, fibre, flautist, flavour, foetus, for ever, forever, fulfil, gaol, gauge, generalise, glamour, gonorrhoea, grey, gynaecology, haemorrhage, harbour, harmonise, harmonize, haulier, homeopathy, homoeopathy, honour, humour, initialise, inquiry, instalment, jail, jewellery, judgement, judgment, kerb (noun), kilometre, labour, lasagne, leaned, leant, learned, learnt, licence, license, litre, manoeuvre, marvellous, maximise, maximize, meagre, metre, modelled, modelling, mould, neighbour, net, nett, oedema, oesophagus, oestrogen, offence, omelette, optimise, optimize, organisation, organization, pædiatrics, paedophile, parallelled, parallelling, paralyse, parlour, peddler, pediatrics, pedlar, pedophile, pleaded, plough, practice, practise, pretence, program (computer), programme (TV), pyjamas, rancour, realise, realize, recognise, recognize, rigour, saleable, saviour, savour, sceptical, skilful, slipped disc, smelled, smelt, speciality, sulphur, theatre, theatregoer, titbit, towards, travelling, tumour, tyre, valour, vapour, vice, vigour, visualise, visualize, waggon, wagon, woollen,
The Most Glorious Hack
12-11-2005, 01:43
manoeuvreThis is probably the best (Die, phonics; die!). Closely followed by the mysterious addition of an 'f' in the pronunciation of lieutenant.

And, of course, the overly inflated "encyclopædia"...
12-11-2005, 03:51
I definitely don't know them all. If someone could post a list of some british spellings that I need to add, I will.
12-11-2005, 04:39
I fixed a bunch.
12-11-2005, 07:05
This is probably the best (Die, phonics; die!). Closely followed by the mysterious addition of an 'f' in the pronunciation of lieutenant.

And, of course, the overly inflated "encyclopædia"...
Well, manoeuvre works when you remember how the word was formed (french, work by hand). I've got no idea where the f in lieutenant comes from, but it just sounds better. And encyclopaedia is just the best word ever.

Should also check up on words like mediaeval/medieval and the like.
14-11-2005, 01:03
I fixed a bunch.
15-11-2005, 04:00
Dudes... sorry for bump... but I just saw spell check feature for RMB...

SAL (or [Violet]?): YOU ROCK!
16-11-2005, 01:31
Some NS-specific words not in the dictionary:

• hr (used in [hr] (horizontal rule) in NS Code)
• tg (telegram)
• invisionfree (often used forum host, found in URLs)
• RMB (Regional Message Board)
• CHQ (Civil Headquarters)
• autologin
• nationstates
• ns (nationstates)
• factbook
• wfe (world factbook entry)
16-11-2005, 03:11
Just a thought, but is there any chance you could switch the Lodge Message/Send Telegram button with Spell Check? Out of habit, I always go for Send and I end up hitting Spell Check - every time. :p
16-11-2005, 05:09
I end up hitting Spell Check - every time. :p
Me too ... but is that actually a *bad* thing?
16-11-2005, 05:53
SAL (or [Violet]?): YOU ROCK!
All Salusa, this.
16-11-2005, 06:27
Some NS-specific words not in the dictionary:

• hr (used in [hr] (horizontal rule) in NS Code)
• tg (telegram)
• invisionfree (often used forum host, found in URLs)
• RMB (Regional Message Board)
• CHQ (Civil Headquarters)
• autologin
• nationstates
• ns (nationstates)
• factbook
• wfe (world factbook entry)
A couple more