Powerhungry Chipmunks
08-11-2005, 14:45
I hope this is within the Technical forum rules (*rubs his special Myrth doll for good luck*).
I simply want to thank those that run Nationstates (mods, admin, etc.) for the new "spellcheck" feature for UN proposals. Perhaps I'm a little late, and this has been here for a while (the last time I proposed a text was possibly a month or so ago). But still, I would feel dubiously remiss if I didn't write out the appreciation I have for this.
This is one of the most often expressed complaints with UN proposals: spelling mistakes. And it occurs in a lot of proposals, even the most researched. There were proposals trying to force UN proposals to have correct spelling easily within the first quarter of the game (at least, correct grammar), though they were removed from the list of proposals. I am very glad the technical crew at Nationstates has devoted time to answering a question as widespread as this. This, among other things confirms to me that you guys care about how players, particularly those active in the UN, feel and about what we think.
Again, thanks. :)
I simply want to thank those that run Nationstates (mods, admin, etc.) for the new "spellcheck" feature for UN proposals. Perhaps I'm a little late, and this has been here for a while (the last time I proposed a text was possibly a month or so ago). But still, I would feel dubiously remiss if I didn't write out the appreciation I have for this.
This is one of the most often expressed complaints with UN proposals: spelling mistakes. And it occurs in a lot of proposals, even the most researched. There were proposals trying to force UN proposals to have correct spelling easily within the first quarter of the game (at least, correct grammar), though they were removed from the list of proposals. I am very glad the technical crew at Nationstates has devoted time to answering a question as widespread as this. This, among other things confirms to me that you guys care about how players, particularly those active in the UN, feel and about what we think.
Again, thanks. :)