NationStates Jolt Archive

Still can't get into the forums.

01-11-2005, 06:04
The forum link's now working and am already logged in to the boards when I access it as Veltmeria from the NS site, but for my other nation Andrehervia, I still can't get into the forums. Again, I've forgotten my password and can't get it back because the email address to retrieve it has been deleted as well. I can't think of what else I can do. Can anyone help?
New Pindorama
01-11-2005, 10:56
just wait, same happened to me. I'll have to wait while they fix that. The problem is that Jolt is powered by VBulletin, and nobody likes Vbuletin...
08-11-2005, 04:22
BUMP - can anyone give me any help whatsoever? I can't just let my nation die forums-wise.
08-11-2005, 07:11
I had a similar problem for a while. Does that nation simply not have a valid e-mail address (in which case you have to give it one), or have you forgotten the password? If the former, add an e-mail address and then try requesting a new password from Jolt. If the latter, simply request a new password from Jolt. If neither one works, then your problem is probably involving something different... but it's worth a try, it's helped me get back several nations...
09-11-2005, 01:33
I had a similar problem for a while. Does that nation simply not have a valid e-mail address (in which case you have to give it one), or have you forgotten the password? If the former, add an e-mail address and then try requesting a new password from Jolt. If the latter, simply request a new password from Jolt. If neither one works, then your problem is probably involving something different... but it's worth a try, it's helped me get back several nations...

Although it's a case of both, it's mostly the fact I can't remember what the password is that's causing me the problem. Could you please tell me how to go about requesting a password from Jolt?
12-11-2005, 14:17
Could anyone tell me how to go about requesting a password from Jolt?
Priestess Pythia
12-11-2005, 16:24
Not from Jolt, but you are prompted to request a new password when you want to login on your nation. All you have to do is log out, when you are logged in, and try to login again. Without email, you can't retrieve it.
12-11-2005, 16:44
Could anyone tell me how to go about requesting a password from Jolt?
Your password is with NationStates, not Jolt. We ARE having problems with that interface right now, so if you can't log on with an old nation, there is nothing currently that we can do. To my knowledge, you cannot retrieve a valid password for a NS account from Jolt.
12-11-2005, 16:51
Fris, can't you request a password for a forum account from Jolt though? He seems to want to login to the forums for his other nation, not NS.
12-11-2005, 17:01
I understood the question, but I've never seen a 'lost password' link on Jolt. There is a "Registration difficulties' checkbox in the 'Contact Us' link at the bottom of each page, but I suspect they would refer NS questions back to NS.

I don't know all the details about how Salusa and [violet] set up the arrangement with Jolt in summer 04, but I do know that we are a separate sub-forum, and that normal Jolt members can't post here. Our registrations are linked through software, and to my knowledge do not go through the normal Jolt registration process at all.

I'm willing to bet that the move to Jolt took so long largely because of that interface negotiation, as Salusa and the Jolt coders had to adjust things so that they worked properly on both ends. With the Jolt upgrade, a lot of that special code got borked.

Rather than close down the forums entirely while we get to the bottom of it, we're just going to say to the few users impacted, "We're sorry, please be patient." What else can we do?
12-11-2005, 17:05
There is a link, but it requires an email. :headbang: Which is what he probably tried originally...
13-11-2005, 03:28
I can get onto the NationStates website just fine, it's the Jolt forums I can't on to, because I've forgotten the password for the forums and I can't request a new one because the email address to get it back has been deleted. With Veltmeria I can get on both NS AND the forums because both passwords I remember and are cached so they're both connected.

All I need is a way to contact Jolt so I can get a new password for the forums. I can't use the normal way because the email address needed has been deleted. Is there any other way?
13-11-2005, 06:30
Just because you deleted your email from your nation doesn't mean Jolt doesn't still have it.

Why do people delete their email anyway? All it does is make it more difficult for you to play. I can't think of any detrimental reason from leaving it, and several from removing it. Dumb.
14-11-2005, 02:51
1. I didn't delete my email. The email address no longer exists. Jolt still has the email, just don't expect anything sent to it to get anywhere.

2. Said email address was only deleted because I couldn't access it for a year. I didn't just let it obliviously die.
New Pindorama
14-11-2005, 11:48
I can get onto the NationStates website just fine, it's the Jolt forums I can't on to, because I've forgotten the password for the forums and I can't request a new one because the email address to get it back has been deleted. With Veltmeria I can get on both NS AND the forums because both passwords I remember and are cached so they're both connected.

All I need is a way to contact Jolt so I can get a new password for the forums. I can't use the normal way because the email address needed has been deleted. Is there any other way?

If you find a way to do so, please tell me.

And, Firs, let me try to explain. The first email I used here was a hotmail (and it was probably the one this guy used too). A hotmail account is deleted if you don't use it for a certain period of time (I think 2 months). Well, my email was deleted. I probably forgot my original password from NS and Jolt, but I am quite sure I always used the same. To put another password and a new email, we have to write the old password (okay, this system is ridiculous, because, since I am logged, there is no need to prove that I am myself). But how to change your password if you don't know the original one. Requesting a new one via email. But my email was deleted, what should I do?? Then, I gave another email to NS, but, apparently, this didn't change Jolt settings. Then I requested a new password using my new email, but it only gave me a list of the puppets I used that had the same email as their original ones. Now, I can't know my password. That's what is happening...

Sorry for the big text, but it's still readable...
14-11-2005, 13:26
1. I didn't delete my email. The email address no longer exists.
Yeah, I see. I don't have a solution for that, as we don't have access to Jolt registration info.

My rant was irrelevant to the case at hand, but I still don't understand why people remove their emails from their puppets, making password requests impossible. Oh well.
14-11-2005, 15:38
If it's hotmail, and noone new has taken, it, simply reregister the name. (I've done this several times for my dad) :p
17-11-2005, 01:23
I emailed Jolt administration a few days ago about this, I come back to check and I'm back on!

Thanks to those who suggested ways to help.
New Pindorama
17-11-2005, 16:24
who did you call??
18-11-2005, 14:18
As the very bottom of any Jolt forum page, they should be a link saying 'Contact Us'. Put down your real name, the email address you formerly used for password recovery, select 'Other' explaining you can't get in due to several factors and explain clearly what happened, making sure to include the NationStates/broken Forum link incident.

It worked for me, it should hopefully work for you.