NationStates Jolt Archive

Issue Adoption

United specopscom
07-10-2005, 11:52
I have a idea for issues adopted by nations. I am not sure if it is possible, but I would like to hear from a moderator.

When a nation adopts and issue that's it. Then nation has to go by the wording and effects of the issue as is. Well maybe if possible I think that there should be a way that after a nation adopts an issue, that the nation can add, remove, or reword some of the issue to better suit the wishes of the leader of that nation.

I am not sure if anyone would understand what I mean by that, but give me some feedback please. I think it is a good idea, but you never know I could just be blowing smoke. Thanks.
07-10-2005, 18:42
I think I understand what you mean:

You get the issue 'Ban Carrots', and choose the legalise option. At present, the issue then reads 'thousands of carrots pour into United specopscom's docks every day'. But you want to RP a land-locked country, so it doesn't really make sense, and you'd maybe rather have 'freight trains are stacked full of carrots', or something. You mean, in effect, having a customisable national description.

It is a good idea, but I doub very strongly they will make such a change. It would require a coding change, which is pretty much always ruled out. And, in any case, it would open up more opportunities for abuse, and create more work for the mods. So, nice as it is, I think you're unlikely to see it come into effect.

If you want to customise your laws a bit more, you can always add this sort of information to a Factbook, a Wiki page, or a thread about this sort of thing.
07-10-2005, 19:50
The possibilities for abuse far outweigh the potential gain. Won't be happening.
United specopscom
07-10-2005, 22:49
Yes that is about what I meant.

I understand about the abuse and that it wouldn't happen. Thanks for the feedback. I still think it is a good idea though. But....I digress........Thanks.