21-09-2005, 16:21
Hey, I'm a bit...paranoid right now.
Is it entirely possible for someone to make a false link on this site and send you....something your computer doesn't need? (You know what it is, kinda afraid that someone will keyword it)
And, is it possible if you post in a thread that someone could send a....cold to your computer, just like they could from a link?
I'm seriously worried....worried, worried, worried....and paranoid! O.o
I mean, you know...some of these links looks...suspicious! And some new guys posted wierd links. I mean, ever since some guy popped up over AIM and didn't identify himself and posted a link to some site, which I never clicked on, I became paranoid. He didn't identify himself...whatever, anyway.
I'm sorry, but this is a worrying subject to me for many reasons, and I just want to know.
-Very Paranoid Anagonia-
Is it entirely possible for someone to make a false link on this site and send you....something your computer doesn't need? (You know what it is, kinda afraid that someone will keyword it)
And, is it possible if you post in a thread that someone could send a....cold to your computer, just like they could from a link?
I'm seriously worried....worried, worried, worried....and paranoid! O.o
I mean, you know...some of these links looks...suspicious! And some new guys posted wierd links. I mean, ever since some guy popped up over AIM and didn't identify himself and posted a link to some site, which I never clicked on, I became paranoid. He didn't identify himself...whatever, anyway.
I'm sorry, but this is a worrying subject to me for many reasons, and I just want to know.
-Very Paranoid Anagonia-