NationStates Jolt Archive

Questions about Links and posting

21-09-2005, 16:21
Hey, I'm a bit...paranoid right now.

Is it entirely possible for someone to make a false link on this site and send you....something your computer doesn't need? (You know what it is, kinda afraid that someone will keyword it)

And, is it possible if you post in a thread that someone could send a....cold to your computer, just like they could from a link?

I'm seriously worried....worried, worried, worried....and paranoid! O.o

I mean, you know...some of these links looks...suspicious! And some new guys posted wierd links. I mean, ever since some guy popped up over AIM and didn't identify himself and posted a link to some site, which I never clicked on, I became paranoid. He didn't identify himself...whatever, anyway.

I'm sorry, but this is a worrying subject to me for many reasons, and I just want to know.


-Very Paranoid Anagonia-
The Czardaian envoy
21-09-2005, 17:30
I believe so, unless a mod were to notice the link and remove it. Sites like this aren't all too secure. :)

Seriously? Do I look like a moderator? I don't know.
21-09-2005, 17:47
Well, should have posted it in moderation, but I thought it a technical issue. So, you know.

Thanks for the answer, hope a Mod somehow just.....

::shouts loudly:: accidently stops in and answers this question! Whew that would be great!


::Looks at him:: Perhaps your a mod in disguise! A-ha! I cought ya!.........What, your not? Oh...ok....
The Czardaian envoy
21-09-2005, 17:58
Lol! My real nation ID is Czardas, and a few people have suggested that I should become a mod. I think they were all joking, and besides I don't really have any time for modding quite yet, but... I could be a mod... on an offsite forum... which I just set up... making me the admin...

Oh, and TNM and Jibea suggested that I'm actually [violet] and/or Max Barry. I'll leave you to decide whether this is true or not.

Yeah. I'll stop hijacking. To contact a mod quickly, btw, you can also go on #themodcave on IRC.
21-09-2005, 18:38
Can't use IRC on this comp, ain't mine.

And, you know what, if you were Max Berry.......heh, it'd be nice to see the guy who made this place stop by every now and then.


Anyway, back to the question....
22-09-2005, 04:26
(These are all "can", not "may)

You can make a link to the forums to any site.

You can host an image from any site.

You can't post any active content (java, javascript, activex, etc).

Therefore, so long as you stay within the forums, you should be safe. Anything from outside of the Jolt/NS servers contains some degree of risk.
22-09-2005, 16:19
Thanks Salusa.

Nice seeing you around again. Nice to see some of the old mods/admins again! :D

(Formally: Nodea Rudav)

You know what sucks about meeting people you once knew on these forums? Trying to figure out if, in fact, they even knew you.

(I need to make that a quote....and I will! Soon...)