07-09-2005, 02:07
It appears in my zeal to control elections I banned them completly. :eek:
How do I change it back to free elections? Trying to form a constitutional monarchy were the royals still have a good deal of power.
Thanks for the help. :)
Dissonant Cognition
07-09-2005, 02:20
Your nation appears to have "some" political freedom. I think you'll have to wait until the same (or similar) issue comes up again so you can reverse the decision.
How can I change my position on an issue?
All of the issues can eventually be repeated (although some choices can make it so you won't get the issue untill you undo them in another issue - like banning elections).
Your decisions on past issues are not recorded. When you make a decision, your nations stats are changed based on that decision and the game forgets what your choice was. When issues start repeating, if you choose the same option the stats will move even farther in the direction that choice pushes them. If you choose a different option, then your stats will change according to that option.
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