UN Acceptance Letter
The Iron Vanguard
20-07-2005, 01:32
I have now attempted to apply to the UN on 6 different occassions, changed from AOL to netscape, and I have not received a UN letter. The letter is not even showing up in my spam folder. Can someone help me out with this?
20-07-2005, 14:43
How much time has passed since your application? The game says you get a response in 24 hours, but I have on occasion gotten an acceptance letter as late as 36 hours after application... just wait another day perhaps.
20-07-2005, 19:13
As a friend of The Iron Vanguard, I have been in concact with him, and talked in #themodcave on his behalf. It has now been over a week since the first application, and the sentiment on IRC was to file again, and wait 2 days. After that, post here for Admin to look into it, which is what he is doing now.
22-07-2005, 00:55
48-hour bump.
26-07-2005, 07:49
One-week bump...
New Prospero
26-07-2005, 21:01
Ugh, the same thing has happened to me. I've gone from AOL to Hotmail, to Gmail, and I still haven't received it. I'll give it another day to reach my gmail account...then I'm mad! :mad:
HC Eredivisie
26-07-2005, 21:05
Gmail and Hotmail should work, I got mine on them, multiple times.
make sure you have the correct emial address.