How do I make my flags smaller? I always get like 14kb.
And does an issue come along that effects population? I want a larger population but I dont know how.
Can't help you with the first question, sorry.
Issues have absolutely no effect on population. Population is pretty much used as an indicator of the age of the nation, and grows by a few million a day for the first few weeks, then grows to approx. 6 million a day after that.
What program are you using to make your flag:
If you use paint: You can't do much other than decrease teh size (Image / [stretch/skew]
If you use adobe photoshop, when you save for web, change the quality down...
I just use Adobe Photoshop Save as....
I just use Adobe Photoshop Save as....
choose 'Save for web', then asssuming you are using CS (the others will prolly be pretty similar) there is a quality thing on the left...
1 Infinite Loop
16-07-2005, 04:22
Click the link in my signature
it will tell you all
Also you need to in Photoshop decide whether it is complicated enough for JPEG or simple enough for GIF,
Select save for web
then on the side there is the settings you can save with, there is a little arrow button,
click it and use the Optimize for file size and set it to 9.5 K
that will give you a small enough image
make sure your preferences are set to not save previews or any excess BS.
You can also try making it using paint or something, then saving it as .jpg or .gif.
(If you have any other questions, you can take them here.)
The Most Glorious Hack
16-07-2005, 06:48
I just use IrfanView ( and resize manually to make it fit. When saving as a .jpg, you can also adjust the quality. A few percentage points won't make much of a visual difference, but will save size.
As a bonus, it's free, small, and fully contained within a single .exe file, so you don't need to muck around with .dll's or other such nonsense. If you're building from scratch, don't bother with it. But if you're just editing an existing picture, it's fantastic.
16-07-2005, 08:14
If you want, you can kick the file (photoshop or jpeg or whatever, I'm sure I can open it, I have a Mac, and therefore errie powers...) to me at and I'll get it to the right size for you, and I don't ask anything in return. Just happy to help.
Yeah, what he said in less words...
Oh, is that CS 2 loop... I want :(