I was just wondering if it would be possible to list on our issues page what issues we've had and what or decisions were concerning them.
06-07-2005, 12:35
Been asked often and turned down oftener. Nope.
That would add a horrendous load to the storage and bandwidth requirements of the game. Some of the nations would have over 2000 issues to track.
No, if you want to track your issues, you have to do so yourself, offline, in some handy spreadsheet or document. Sorry.
La Habana Cuba
06-07-2005, 17:31
I use a notebook, I list the issue name with the issue number, the law option number passed, the law passed and its chainging effects on my nation page coment, the chainging effects on my civil rights, economy and political freedoms like from average to good, very good to good etc.
etc, etc. the affect on the tax from 10 to 06 to 20,
including my UN Category: Democratic Socialist at the time to whatever it changes to later.
Since I have more than a few nations I also keep another notebook with all the issues in alphabetical order with issue number and the information stated above.
If you do this the next day your issue updates is not as much work as it sounds.
I also make tons of copys, I am a copyholic.
I love math, numbers, systems, accounting, bookkeepping
and politics, I am a political junky that is why I am on nationstates.
La Habana Cuba
10-07-2005, 21:35
I also keep a summary version of the information on
notepad or wordpad ok, I am thinking of converting
it all to the computer but thats incomplete and needs
alot of updating which will take me time to catch up,
but I still like the manual accounting, bookkeeping
system the best, so I will probably keep that system
as my main one.