NationStates Jolt Archive


Conservative Rightists
07-06-2005, 21:47
It got the confirmation email but i can't click on the link. I tried to copy and paste it to the browser adress bar but when i send it i get a page with this information:

Your email verification failed. Please check to ensure that you have copied the entire URL to the locaton bar in your browser.
If you continue to have problems. Please submit a getting help request.
If possible, use your browser's BACK button to return and fix this."

If you know whats going on please send an email to or telegram my nation, Conservative Rightists. Thank you.
08-06-2005, 03:39
Are you talking about the verification for posting on the forums? Because if so, and it's for this account, then I think that it might have gone through, as you are posting now
Conservative Rightists
08-06-2005, 05:17
Well, since im posting, does that mean that i can also apply for the UN? Do i need an email address for the UN?

Because i applied for the UN and it said that I needed an email address and i did all the steps and everything but i got the message that my email wasn't verified because of some error.

But if I can post, and i am not using this email for any other nations, I should be able to join the UN, no?
08-06-2005, 20:27
You need an e-mail for the UN. That e-mail can be used for hundreds of other nations if you want (which is recommended, as it keep you from accidentally registereing extra UN's, and allows you to get your password if you forget it).

To apply for the UN, you go to the UN page and click "Apply to Join". Within a few minutes/hours, you will be sent a telegram that says you were accepted, and just need an e-mail. That e-mail will be sent at the next (major?) update. Once you get it, copy the link in the e-mail into your browser, or click on it directly, if your ISP allows you to.

It sounds like you've done all that and it still didn't work. When you're copying the address, are you sure you're not accidentally highlighting any extra blank spaces?