NationStates Jolt Archive

Is the detection of UN accounts off?

26-05-2005, 19:57
I got the following message "This nation has been determined to be in breach of UN rules, which allow each player to have just one nation in the UN at any given time. This is an official warning, to allow you to rectify the situation. If you do not comply, the UN will be forced to take action against you."

My sister got the same message. This I think is a mistake as my sister plays the game every day.... why do they think we're the same person? Just cause we use the same computer? Or because she logs on right after me? How can they make such a flaw? My sister was nice enough to the leave the UN but we never cheated! I sure this is some form of dectection but its flawed I only have my account and can't stand people using double accounts and rat them out!
26-05-2005, 21:47
All the answers you seek are here: