NationStates Jolt Archive


04-05-2005, 20:11
ok... so i know what decision i wanna make on this issue... but where do i click??? theres no link!!! arrrrrrrgh help!!!! :confused:
04-05-2005, 20:26
ok... so i know what decision i wanna make on this issue... but where do i click??? theres no link!!! arrrrrrrgh help!!!! :confused:

An example issue...
The Issue

A loose coalition of political activists running the gamut of the political spectrum has started a petition to add "None of the Above" as an option on every ballot, so that a voter can reject all candidates if he feels none of them represent a viable option. If "None of the Above" wins the election, a new election with all-new candidates would have to be held.

The Debate

1. "It's a simple matter really," says left-wing activist and former rock star Tobias Licorish, "Sometimes when you're voting, all the options suck. Why then should people be forced to hold their nose and vote for the lesser of two, or even three or four evils? Adding 'None of the Above' to the ballot would ensure that the people have a choice at all times, even if that choice is to reject the choices they have been given!"

2. "Adding 'None of the Above' to the ballot makes absolutely no sense," contributes conservative political pundit Clint Rifkin. "Those who want to run for office have already put their names on the ballot, and if none of those options suits the voter, that's just too bad. Instead, we ought to prevent this sort of problem and limit the number of options. Sure, less people can run, but that will eliminate costly runoff elections completely!"

All you have to do is click the "Accept" button at the bottom of the suggested option for the issue.