Greetings! I messed up the questionnaire...
The Realm of Thud
10-12-2004, 17:31
On the last question on the introductory questionnaire, I clicked the wrong answer (I wanted rehabilitation of criminals, not prevention). Is there any painless way to correct this, or do I have to engage in a social revolution?
And if so, How do I go about doing that?
10-12-2004, 17:36
Answer your issues the way you want your county to go. There's no way of correction (as far as I know).
Right thinking whites
10-12-2004, 17:36
answer issues that bring you closer to what you want
make a new nation
The Realm of Thud
10-12-2004, 17:51
::puts on radial protester hat::
Woo-hoo! It's revolution up in here!
10-12-2004, 19:23
Or just make a new nation. :p plain and simple.
13-12-2004, 22:40
There is no permanent damage.
13-12-2004, 22:50
Just to let you know, for further reference, once you choose an option in an issue, it doesn't mean that the answer is final. It takes a bit of time to process that issue, leaving it open for the day, I believe. So if you can still see the issue on your Issues Screen, then that means you can still change your answer.